Shiny Revealed

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Mari's POV

Living in a rich family means living in luxury. That is what most people thought of if they see you being the heiress of a well known family.

At first, I thought like that too. But that change when I met Kurosawa Dia.

I saw how hard she try so that she could be known as the honorable heiress of the Kurosawa family. But in reality, it was a prison because she had no freedom.

But despite of this, she remained strong. Seeing such a determined person instantly moved my heart and I knew then I was inlove.

Since I'm known as a spoiled person, I used that so I could help her and also to satisfy my feelings. I decided to proposed to her.

In reality, am I the one who is truly cruel here?


As I walk the empty halls of the school, the events that happened yesterday keep running through my mind.

Yoshikocchi's eyes, it showed something that should not be revealed. But that glowed keep running my mind so I did some research about her family.

The Tsushima sure are good at keeping secrets but I think Yoshikocchi is a good person, plus no harm done is going to happen in keeping a little secret.

'Speaking of the devil, there she is'

"Yoshikocchi! How are you?" I exclaimed causing her to flinched in surprise.

"I'm fine just a little sore that's all." She answered nonchalantly as she continued her walk.

"By the way are you hiding something from us?" I ask out of blue causing her to stop.

"What do you mean?" She asked as I could hear nervousness in her voice.

"It was about yesterday. If your ready to tell us then I'm sure all of us would accept it." I continued as she looked at me confusedly.

"What do you mean? Don't tell me you kne-" I cut her off as I could sense panicked in her voice.

"Don't worry about it, let's go Yoshikocchi!" I pulled her along as class is about to start.


The last bell ring and I head off to the clubroom in a rush. I arrive first as I entered the empty room. Just when I was about to sit, someone came in.

"Mari, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon Yoshikocchi. Your early today." I greeted her with a smile as I sat down.

She sat down beside me putting her bag near my bag.

"Mari about my secret." She start as I look at her nervous face.

"You don't need to worry about it. Plus I think that you have some reason in hiding it." I didn't let her comtinue as I flashed her a warm smile.

"But! Don't you think it should be just right to tell you about it! I could be really dangerous you know!" She protested.

"You know, I know how you feel in need to hide your intentions." I stared back on her worried eyes to assure her.

"Do you know why I decided to marry Dia even though she's so against it?"

She shook her head and I gripped the hem of my skirt as I continue my story.

"I wanted to relieved her from her duties."


"She was so hard on herself that she didn't care about her well being. And being the first born added the pressure in inheriting their family business, that is why I decided to marry her."

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