Clearing Sky

119 11 8

Dia's POV

I looked at the clock for the tenth time and sighed heavily. We have been waiting for 20 minutes now and three of our members are still not present.


The clubroom door slowly opened. I abruptly stood up and I noticed how the others visibly flinched in surprised.

"S-Sorry I'm late zura." Hanamaru-san stuttered out as soon as she saw my face.

"And where are the other two?" She gave me a smile before stepping inside.

"Yoshiko-chan and Riko-chan are talking about important things right now so please understand." I was about to say something when I saw the look in Hanamaru-san's eyes.

"Okay, I'll let this one aside." I finally took my sit again for another minutes of wait.

Shortly, after five minutes of wait, the door opened again. Yoshiko-san and Riko-san went inside while holding hands.

"Finally, the two of you have arrived. Now that we're all here, let's all get ready for training."

"W-Wait Dia." Yoshiko-san called out to me as she slowly walk towards me.

"A-About yesterday, I'm so sorry!" She bowed before me and I was too shocked to respond. It took me a while before I could finally formed a word.

"I-It's okay. You could raise your head." I stuttered as I pushed her to stand straight again.

"Dia, no this also involves everyone. I want to say something to you all." Yoshiko-san paused momentarily before she took a deep breath.

"As you may all noticed, monster attacks becomes more frequent lately and all of you could only blame me for it. Grandmother just told me recently that my uncle wanted to control the Tsushima's power for himself. And to accomplish that, he needs to steal it from the rightful heir which is my mother. Because of that, he's currently trying to kill my family. I know I've pushed you guys away. Not just once, but twice already. I only did that so I could protect you all, but I know that I won't be able to all by myself. I underestimated the strength you guys have, that is why I continuously tried to pushed you away. But now I came to understand, the people who could only support me and gives me strength whenever I'm in trouble was you guys. That is why, I know that it's too late to say this but I'm asking you guys to please continue as my support and strength!"

We all stood in shock from Yoshiko-san's speech. She once again bowed before us to show her sincerity. I was the first one to recover from the shock and spoke first.

"Thank you Yoshiko-san, for being honest with us. I understand the meaning behind your actions and I have already decided to support not just you, but everyone on this team. So you may rest assured that I'm always here for support."

She slowly raised her head and I flashed her a smile on my own.


"I'm here too Yoshiko-chan! You can always count on me for support!"

"Yousoro! I'll also be here to go straight ahead whenever you need help Yoshiko-chan!"

"And as your best friend, I'll also be here to help, zura."

"Yeah, let's all do our rubesty!"

"Yoshiko-chan, shiny-oneesan will also be here to help~ just ask and I'll send you some assistance."

" assistance may not be extravagant as Mari but I'm also be here to help."

The others also gave their support. One by one they reached out to Yoshiko-san. Yoshiko-san stood silently as her tears streamed down on her face.

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