More Terrifying

157 11 3

Yoshiko's POV

I opened my eyes as I can feel the warm ray's of the sun. I stirred up to my side when I felt a hand in my waist.

I look at the half naked person beside me. I was shocked at first, then recovered after remembering the events that occurred yesterday.

I throw aside the arm in my waist forcefully as I get up from the bed.

"Sheesh, your too harsh even in mornings." Nee-san yawned then she also get up.

"Not going to sleep in today? It's weekend." I started to get change, ignoring her watching me.

"I'm going to make sure your going to follow those training excercises that dad gave you." She also started to get readied as I eyed her movements.

"Geh! This is going to be a pain." I replied as I exited my bedroom.

I walk down towards the door of the apartment as I put on my socks and wear my shoes.

I ran down and exited the building to ran a few kilometers around the area.

"Yoshi-chan! Wait for me!" I heard a voice yelled and I ran even faster.

"Aahhh!! I said wait!" She started to ran faster as she tried to catch up with me.

"Hehe.. Catch me if you can!" I turned to my full Werewolf form, dashing down the empty streets.

"Your no fair! Flame Accelerator!" She used her magic, boosting up her speed.

"Oh? Your catching up faster than I thought nee-san~"

"Well unlike a certain someone, I didn't stop my training for a year!"

"And now your trying to point out my fault, I'll make sure you eat the dust in this race!"

"Eh? No fair Yoshi-chan! You didn't tell me it was a race!"

"Now you know right? Then see ya!"

The two of us ran as fast as we can leaving a trail of smoke in our tails.We finally made a stop when we arrived back at the apartment building.

"Hah...hah... I won!" She declared.

"No you didn't! It was my win this time!" I yelled as I turned back to a human.

"No, it was mine!"

"No, mine!"

Our heads collided as we stared at each other. Sparks can be seen as we refused to lose at this staring contest.

"What are you two doing this early in the morning?" A sweet voice was heard as we blinked and turned to the owner of the voice.

"Riri, your up early! Good morning." I greeted.

"Good morning, Yocchan. You too Yuki-san." She replied.

"Good morning Riko-san." My sister also greeted.

"So, what are the two of you arguing about?" She raised her brow as she asked again.

"We did a race around Numazu and it turns out, I'm the winner!" My sister declared.

"No you didn't! I was obviously one step ahead of you!" I recoiled as we clashed heads again.

"Stop! Stop! How about you do a race again?" She ask as we look at each other for confirmation before we agreed.

"Okay then, on count of three!" We nodded as I shifted while my sister gets her self fired up.


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