First Mission

160 11 7

No one's POV

As the skies was covered by a dozen of Wyverns, Aqours can't help but to feel a little bit nervous.

"Brace yourself everyone!" Dia exclaimed. Some of the Wyverns flew down ready to attack.

Yoshiko attacked the ones who are on the right. Ruby and Dia guarded the left side. Hanamaru, Riko and Mari flew to battle in the air. While Kanan, You and Chika covered the unguarded area.

Wyverns slashed down towards Yoshiko as she dodge them while killing most of them.

The three at the air were guarding each other's back while killing most of them on the air.

The other three at the ground made sure to secure all of the members while maintaining a good amount of kills on their own.

While the Kurosawa sisters are in pinch since the Wyverns showed up from their side.

'Lily! Tell someone to assist the left side.' Yoshiko commanded as Riko nodded to herself.

"Mari-san, could you help the ones from the left side?" Mari quickly nodded as she flew down.

"This Wyverns are so persistent!" Dia exclaimed trapping a dozen of them before killing it.

"Ughhhh... I'm getting scared." Ruby tried to kill as many as she can keeping a longer distance from the Wyverns.

Arriving at the left side, Mari tapped Ruby's shoulder. Ruby yelped, while she gathered a large amount of energy thinking that Mari is a wyvern.

Dia sensed it as she looked at Ruby's direction in shocked. "Mari-san get out of there!" She yelled.

Mari sensed the nervousness in Dia's voice so she quickly left Ruby's side.

"Everyone generate your shields!" Dia yelled again as all of them nodded.

"PIGIIII!!!" Ruby released her gathered energy.

Balls of fire scattered everywhere causing the majority of Wyverns to die. Even up in the air, some of the Wyverns were burned to ashes.

"Wha- what was that!" Chika yelled as all of them were in the state of shock.

Dia ran up to Ruby predicting that she would faint. The others slightly panicked but they remained on their position.

"Ruby's magic control is a little unstable causing a burst of energy like what happened just now." She explained as her worries eased up seeing Ruby's calm sleeping face.

"I'll protect Ruby! You guys carry on!" She exclaimed and the others nodded.
"Chikacchi! Come help me on this side!" Mari yelled as Chika ran up to her.

"No Wyverns left on my side! I'll be joining Lily and Zuramaru in the air!" Yoshiko flew up binding the Wyverns that sorrounding the two as she killed them with black lightning.

"Hey Yoshikocchi! That's my special ability you know!" Mari yelled.

"Doesn't matter! Just concentrate killing those pest on your side! She yelled back.

"Haaaaah the two of you are something else." Dia commented from the side still killing some Wyverns.

"There's no end from this side! I'm getting tired!" Chika muttered to herself.

True to her words, more Wyverns came flying down to them. Hearing Chika's complain, Yoshiko complied taking action.

"I'll go look to Chika's side! You two carry on up here!" Yoshiko commanded as she flew down.

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