The beginning

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Yoshiko's POV

Since I was born, my life is full of bad lucks and misery in which that makes me think why am I living in the first place.

But nature is always unpredictable and hard to follow. You can't do anything about it making this life so dull and boring. In terms of that, being born a Werewolf makes my whole life twice miserable.

My name is Tsushima Yoshiko, 16 years old and a first year highschool student.

My mother and I live in small apartment in Numazu to live a normal life and to avoid our grandparents who disown my mother for being a traitor in our family.

Marrying another race is a big no no in this world. Why did I know? Because my mum said so. She's also the number one rule breaker in this case.

Since every race has different features, it is a law that we keep it that way and do not mingle with another race.

But my mother decided to broke this law and married my dad, which is a Werewolf. That is why the great Tsushima family decides to banished us.

And as punishment they separate mother and father which leads to me and my twin sister being separated.

And now with nothing to rely on in this society, I grew up to be alone. I even make a false persona to fight this loneliness.

I engulfed myself in the internet and playing online games all the time. Also my mother trained me like hell when she had the time. But now that I'm in highschool I'm planning to live a normal life in which I hope it will turn well.

This thoughts runs into my mind while I'm trying to finish up getting ready to school.

"Yoshiko hurry up! You'll be late to school!" My mother yell from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back as I rush down the stairs. I took my toast at the table and hurried to the door.

" I'm off!" I said as I close the door hearing my mother's faint voice saying "take care".

In my path to school, I could see the beautiful cherry blossoms petals dancing around. I arrived at the bus stop just in time to take a ride.

The ride was quite short as we arrive near the school in just 10 minutes. Arriving at the gates, I scurried off the corner to avoid attention.

I walk slowly towards the auditorium until I heard something quite unexpected.

"Hero club! Who wants to join the Hero club!? You and you, do you want to be a hero?"

I hurried up a big cherry blossom tree as I look for the owner of the voice. 'Hero Club? What the heck is that?' I thought to myself.

Just then I found the owner of the voice. She has an orange color hair that goes down right to her shoulder. She had this beautiful pink eyes filled with emotions.

She was accompanied by a gray haired girl with the hair shorter than the former and eyes that has the same color as clear as the blue sea.

By the color of their ribbon, you can tell that they are a second year student.

I look at them a little longer until they approach a girl with brown hair along with a girl with a scarlet hair.

They talk about wanting to be a hero or something until the scarlet haired girl screamed with a high squeek sound.

Upon hearing that squeek my sensitive ears was greatly damaged that I forgot that I'm up in a tree, therefore, I lost my balance and fell.

"Aaaaaaaaaaah" I screamed as I as thankfully landed on my feet. "Ouchie!" I cried in pain.

I closed my eyes to endure the pain. On top of that, my bag fell on my head. "Hey are you okay?" ask the orange haired girl.

I panicked a little and I stuttered out my answer. "I-I uh.. umm.. okay" I wonder off as I look at the brown haired girl looking at me intensely.

"Yoshiko-chan?" the brown haired girl ask. "Uhh... I... Who?" I ask back. "It's me, Hanamaru from kindergarten!" She answer happily.

"Ha-na-ma-ru... Zuramaru?" I look at her for confirmation. "Hmm! Yes! That's right, glad to see you again, zura." She says as she tackle me on to a hug.

"C-come on l-let go, we need to attend the entrance ceremony." I said as I struggled out into the hug and grab her hand running to the auditorium.

"Hey Maru-chan, wait for me!" the scarlet haired girl yelp out as she hurriedly run to us.

"Sorry to leave you behind.... Uh?" I apologized. "Oh! My name is Ruby, Kurosawa Ruby. Nice to meet you Yoshiko-chan!"

She smiled at me warmly. "Nice to meet you too, Ruby." I answered back as we settle down for the ceremony.


After the entrance ceremony, we hurried off to our classes. Also for the first time in forever, I happened to be lucky as me, Ruby and Zuramaru goes to the same class.

I don't have to worry anymore in being a loner. Since I'm now in highschool I tried to take my classes seriously. But it appears to be a failure since I fell asleep while listening to the lecture in our second subject and I woke up at lunch.

"Good morning sleepy head. Let's get our lunch, zura." She said as she grab me in my arm along with Ruby. "Let go of me Zuramaru, I can go there myself." I said as I get her hand off my arms.

We walk to the cafeteria in silence. As soon as we arrived we hurried up to get our food and it turns out I got separated from them.

"Tch! I should have let Zuramaru held my arm." I grumbled as I walk out off the crowd and exited the cafeteria.

I walk down the hallway to go to the rooftop so I could eat my lunch peacefully. As I walk out to a corner, a person bumped into me.

"Watch where you go-" my sentence was cut off as look up to see a beautiful girl with amber eyes and long burgundy hair.

"I'm sorry." She apologized with her sweet voice. "I-never mind about me, how about you?" I ask as I feel a blush in my face.

" I-I'm okay." She answered back. "Then if your fine I'll be going ahead." I said as I turn around.

"Wait!" She hold my hand and I blushed again. "I'm lost, can you help me?" She asked with a pleading eyes. "Ah... Okay." I answer nervously.


"Thank you for helping me out." she smiled sweetly as she entered the director's office.

I smiled back as I headed once again to the rooftop. I eat there peacefully and hurried back to class as I became aware of the time.

"Where did you run off to, zura?" Zuramaru ask as I sat down my desk.
"I was separated obviously!?" I answer back feeling irritated.

" Oh well, glad your back, zura." She said as she also sat down to her chair. Just then, the teacher arrive to start the afternoon class.

I spend the whole afternoon trying to concentrate in the lesson. Thankfully, I was a able to survive the first day of school.

I excitedly went home and decided to stop in an arcade. Since there are no homeworks tonight, I decided to have fun. Before I knew it, it is already dark when I exited the arcade.

With my Werewolf speed and stamina, I decided to run home. I carefully run around and I suddenly stop sensing some disturbance.

I look around for the source of this odd feeling until I saw a familiar burgundy haired girl in the park surrounded by three (ugly) boys.

"Hey!" I yelled winning their attention. "Leave her alone!"

To be continued.....

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