Waiting For You

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Riko's POV

Her black wings began to fade. I ran with all my might with my arms wide open. I wrapped my arms around her as soon as I caught her body.

"Yocchan! Please, hang in there!" I frantically yelled.

Blood rapidly dripped as my clothes began to get soaked. With shaking hands, I poured all of my magic power in her wound.

"Hurry! Someone called an ambulance!" Mari-chan ordered urgently.

"Here, I'll help you Riko-chan!" Honoka-san kneeled beside me. Combining our healing powers together, we did our best to stop the bleeding.

"How's Yoshiko?" Umi-san exclaimed.

"Her bleeding won't stop! Her werewolf self-healing is at its limit!" Honoka-san replied.

Nodding, Umi-san also kneeled beside me. She started to share her energy with Yocchan.

"An ambulance has arrived!" A voice yelled. Immediatley, I scooped Yocchan in my arms and ran towards the vehicle.

"Okay, let's hurry to the hospital!"


I stirred as I raised my head and opened my eyes. I found myself inside a hospital room. Rubbing my eyes sleepily, a soft knock was heard outside the door.

"Come in" I answered softly.

The door slowly opened as amber eyes peeked inside the room.

"Riko? You didn't go home?" Umi-san asked worriedly.

Smiling, I answered. "I'm fine. I didn't want to left her side." I took Yocchan's hand and squeeze it tightly.

"How about you took a nap? I'll guard her for you." She offered.

"I appreciate your offer but I just woke up. I'm fine, really." I insisted.

Suddenly, another knock was heard. The door slowly opened to reveal familiar faces.

"Good evening Riko-san." Yocchan's grandmother greeted.

"Good evening Tsushima-san." I greeted back.

Tsushima-san looked at me hesitantly before speaking. "I don't know how to say this but..... Yoshiko won't be waking up anytime soon."

My eyes widen when I heard that statement. "Y-Yocchan is in coma?"

"Apparently, her magic powers overdrive causing it to affect her brain." Yuu-san explained.

I could only feel silent as I directed my attention on the floor. Suddenly, Tsushima-san slowly approached me before kneeling down. Flustered, I tried to make her stood up.

"Tsushima-san, what are you doing?!"

"I'm sorry. My foolish son had caused you many trouble. And now my granddaughter was hurt. That is why, I'm sorry!" She bowed deeply and I get even flustered.

"Mother, I told you so many times. It's not your fault." Yuu-san sighed, helping me.

"S-she's right. It's not your fault, Tsushima-san." I sighed in relief when Tsushima-san finally stood up.

Suddenly, Tsushima-san grabbed Yuu-san's hand tightly.

"No, it's my fault. Because of my carelessness, Yoru escaped. My daughter, you can punish me if you want." She insisted. Tears streaming down on her cheeks.

Yuu-san shook her head before hugging her mother. "I won't do it, mother. For all this time, your the only one who cared for us even though the Tsushima family banished my family. All this years, you gave us financial support and look after us secretly. I know all about it as I felt your presence every time. That is why, you have nothing to apologize."

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