The nine of Us

188 11 3

Hanamaru's POV

As the fight goes on, thankfully were only down to one opponent. And with me and Yoshiko-chan left, I think we could still put up a fight.

"Zuramaru, do you think you can fight senpai?" I flinched as Yoshiko-chan whispered to me.

"I don't think I can do it zura." I answered to her as I feel my body shaking slightly.

"Don't worry Hanamaru-chan, Yoshiko-chan will do it for you!" Chika exclaimed eavesdropping to our conversation.

"Well it's no problem for me but, can you at least try?" She asked as I look at her understanding her reasons.

"Yeah, your right zura. If I don't fight now then I will miss my chance to show them my skills zura." I replied.

I started to walk towards senpai when somebody tug on my sleeve.

"Remember Zuramaru, even you can't keep up with the speed, just feel it's presence." Yoshiko-chan whispered as she gave me a push.

'presence?' her words kept running into my mind. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Dia-senpai's yelling.

"Are the two of you ready?" We nodded as I feel my legs shaking slightly. "Then begin!"

As soon as that word left Dia-senpai's mouth, Mari-senpai took a step forward then vanished.

I took a blink several times, confused by her sudden disappearance. Then she suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Shock fist"

I took the hit directly causing me to step backwards. I feel the lightning shock through my body as I struggled to keep my ground.

'even you can't keep up with the speed, just feel it's presence.' Yoshiko-chan's word repeat itself into my mind.

"So this is what she meant." I whispered to myself. 'but how do I feel her presence?'

I whipped my head to look at Yoshiko-chan. She was mouthing some words. I tried to read her lips.

'Ka-ze?' my eyes widen as I realized the meaning behind her words. 'That's it! I can feel her through the wind!'

I look back at senpai and she disappeared again for another attack. I immediately closed my eyes feeling everything through the air.

'I can see her!' I exclaimed to myself. She delivered a punched at me again.

"Strike punch!"

"Wind shield!"

I blocked that attack as I opened my eyes. Shocked was evident on senpai's face.

"W-Wow, you blocked my attack." She exclaimed as I keep my concentration intact.

"Not bad~" she took a step backwards as she raised her hands up.

"Lightning Rage!"

Several lightning strike down at me. I enhanced my wind shield to blocked it.

"You might seen my movements, but you can't keep up to my speed." She declared as my eyes widen in shock.

She disappeared again, and as I turned around, something hit me.

"Thor's hammer!"

I feel a greater shock than before as my shield vanished and I fell to my side.

I tried to stand up, but I can only sense numbness. I don't have energy left.

"Zuramaru/Hanamaru-chan!" I heard my friends yell. I look at them to see their faces in horror.

"Mari-san wins!" declared Dia-senpai. Then, I feel my body started to float

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