First Victory

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No one's POV

As the winter vacation came to an end, Aqours returned to their daily life in school. A week passed, then a month. And now the day of the preliminary round has come.

"The day has finally come, isn't it?" Chika exclaimed as they looked at the venue before them.

"Yes. And it's for real this time!" You added as the others nodded along.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go inside!" Chika grabbed You and Riko's hand as she dragged them inside.

The others followed along and they all gasped in surprised at the view inside. The venue was very huge inside. Their where eight stages present and a lot of people inside.

"Woah! There's so many people in here!" Chika exclaimed again, followed some excited squeals from the other members.

"Okay everyone. Let's settle down while Dia registered us at the competition." Kanan spoke calmly, gaining the others attention.

"Ah, I'm already done. For now, let's go to our private room to change."

Dia started to walk as she lead the group to their room. Upon arriving, the members excitedly changed their clothes.

"Okay, are you guys done changing clothes?" Mari happily asked as she looked at her teammates.

"Yes we're all done, although I'm not sure why we have to also change even though we're not going to be in a match." Yoshiko complained at Mari.

"Now, now. Don't be grumpy, Yoshiko-chan. Plus, you look super cool in that! As expected of a fallen angel!"

Yoshiko blushed at the comment before stuttering a response. "O-Of course! A f-fallen angel is always cool!"

"Okay, stop stalling everyone. Let's head back to the venue before the competition starts."

Everyone nodded as they excitedly exited their room. They were almost running as they headed to the venue.

"Wah, I can't help but be amazed at this incredible venue. I'm really excited! Hey Dia-san, do you have a schedule of the match?"

"I have one in here. Let's see..... Aqours is against Starbright."

"Eh? Star.... bright?" Chika tilted her head in question.

"Oh! This is gonna be a really shiny match~!" Mari exclaimed in excitement.

"Good Day to all of the contests!"

"Ah, it's starting!" Chika jumped in excitement.

"The match between groups will begin shortly. I must ask to please come to your respective stages. For this round, only eight teams will remain to move forward on the next round. I wish all of you a good luck and have a fair match!"

"Woah! Only eight teams?" Ruby asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Their are sixteen teams present right now. Only half will be moving on to the next round." Dia clarified as she lead the group again to their assigned stage.

"Okay, Here we are on stage six." The group stopped before a very large stage. Looking up, three girls were already present on stage.

"Ah, those girls are probably our opponent for this match. They looked formidable, zura!"

"Are you guys nervous?" Yoshiko asked at the three representative.

"No! I'm feeling excited right now!" Chika exclaimed as she pumped her fist.

"That's right~ plus, we have the great fallen angel on our side! We'll make sure to bring a shiny fallen victory!"

"Stop praising her like that zura. Although, that makes me less nervous."

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