Testing the Power

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Yoshiko's POV

Few days had passed, and now is the day that the test will happen. We have spent the few days improving our power and strength. And now is the time we put all of our efforts into test.

I hurriedly prepare to school after our morning training. I dashed out of the apartment to meet Lily waiting for me.

"You sure do took your time today." She stated as she let out a smile. "Well, I spaced out thinking about today's test." I answered as we walk to the bus stop.

As we get on the bus, we heard a loud"heeeeeeey!" We turned around to see a waving Chika with You. "You shouldn't yell in the bus Chika-chan!" Scolded Lily as we sat beside them

"Sorry, I'm too excited for today." replied Chika. "More like your too nervous." I responded as she give me a pout.

"Now come on you two, don't cause a havoc in here." butted You as she laughed at our exchange. "I think we all need to settle down." Lily again stated as she sighed heavily.

We decided to stay quiet until we get to school. Upon arriving, I immediately saw Ruby and Zuramaru. We separated our way with the second years to get to our class.

"I'm nervous zura~" whined Zuramaru as she flop down on her chair. "Maru-chan let's do our rubestie!" Ruby exclaimed as we settled down to class.


The tension rises quickly as the end of the day finally arrived. All of us quickly gathered at the rooftop.

"Hugh, I'm really nervous! WHAT SHOULD I DO!" Chika exclaimed. I hurriedly slap her back as she let out a loud "OUCH!".

"What was that for Yoshiko-chan?" She whined as she looked at me. "It's Yohane! And I did that to calm your nerves so get over with it yourself!" I yelled as she straighten her back

"Yes captain!" She saluted and I saw her usual self came back. "Yeah that's the Chika-chan we know! Always straight forward!" You praised as she pat Chika on the head.

"More like she's You's dog." I whispered to Lily as she let out a light giggle. Just as the tension subside, the door of the rooftop flew open.

"It looks like you didn't back down on this challenge." The person at the door was none other than the student Council president, Kurosawa Dia.

"My~ Darling you should come down." Another person came out. She had a blonde hair. Just then, I feel a tug on my sleeve.

"That's the director!" Lily whispered to me as my eyes widen in surprise.
"Ack! Seriously I don't even want your help! Why are you here!" My surprise subside as I heard the president yelled angrily to the director.

"Now, now, you shouldn't fight you two." Another person with blue hair appeared sighing at her friends bickering.

"Kanan-san! Why did you tell her about this event!" Again the president yelled at her friend named Kanan.

"You said you needed help and it's only natural to report it to the school's director." She answered nonchalantly.

"SCHOOL DIRECTOR!?" the others was surprised while Ruby, Lily and I stayed quiet.

"Ciao~ Yes that's me!" The blonde answered smiling. The student council president sigh while the Kanan named person just smiled.

"Haah.. I can't keep up with this! Let's just start this test. But first let's introduce each other." The president starts as she stood up more dignified than before.

"My name is Kurosawa Dia, an earth magic user."

"Shiny~ my name is Ohara Mari, a lightning magic user."

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