Starting point

252 13 3

Yoshiko's POV

Getting up today, I woke up earlier than usual. Me, Chika and You agreed to train so we could get stronger. For me, I really don't have a problem in terms of physical abilities.

But if I'm going to be with them, I have to act like them. Until I have the courage to do so, I'll keep my Werewolf self hidden a little bit longer.

I walk into the beach, cooling myself as I feel the morning breeze. A minute later, You arrive, and so is Chika.

We decided to run around the beach to increase our stamina. We spent the morning like that until the time comes that we need to get to school.

Bidding them good bye, I ran back home. I Came to a stop in a very familiar park. I remembered my encounter with Riko here again.

I walk inside the park, and there it was. I saw her again. Sitting at the swing, hair swaying in the wind. I was mesmerized again by her charms.

Unconsciously, I started to walk towards her. "Hey, good morning." I greeted her. She look up to me and flashed a gentle smile as our eyes met.

"Good morning Yocchan." She greeted me back. I felt a faint blush on my face as I heard her call me that again.

"Why the sudden nickname?" I asked as look the other way to hide my blush.

"Well, you say your name is Yohane then changed it to Yoshiko, so I thought I'll give you a name in between. Plus a cute nickname suits you." She replied.

"C-Cute?! Fallen angels aren't meant to be cute!" I exclaimed as I felt the heat on my cheeks intensified.

"That's not true, because there is a cute fallen angel in front of me right now." She answered back.

And then I realized, I suddenly revealed to her my fallen angel persona.

"Uhhh... Don't you think I'm wierd?" I asked suddenly. "Oh, I think you are wierd." She answered immediately.

I felt a pang in my chest as heard those words.

"But..." She continued. "But?" I asked tilting my head. She looked at me then she looked away. ".... It's alright to be weird because that is what makes you unique you know." She said while clasping her hands together.

'I think she's embarrassed. So cute' I thought to myself as a smile spread on my face.

"Your pretty adorable your self you know." I stated without thinking. "Eh? I-I'm pretty plain though." She answered back immediately.

Hearing that reminds me of myself "That's not true you know? You have plenty of charms that you can't see for yourself until people point it out." I answered back determine to get my point across.

"T-Thank you." She stuttered out her answer which makes her pretty cute.

"Then I better go, I have to go to class." I said as I became aware of the time.

"Then I'll go with you." She said standing up. We walk back to the building together until we had to enter our respective rooms again. But before that something came into my mind.

"Then, have a nice day, Lily~" I smile as I saw her blush and enter her home immediately hearing her rushed answer saying "Have a good day too."

In a good mood, I also entered my apartment and quickly get into my room to take a shower. After dressing up, I went down to gobled up my breakfast and went to school.

In the bus stop, I saw You again. We sat on our usual spot. And just like yesterday, Chika came in announcing herself loudly.

We arrived and walk together to school. We were talking happily about our plans after school, when suddenly someone tap my shoulder.

I flinched at the sudden contact and I whipped my head around to see Zuramaru and Ruby.

"Good morning Yoshiko-chan, zura." She greeted along with Ruby. "Good morning." I greeted back.

You and Chika also butted in greeting them with enthusiasm.

Just then Chika pulled me into a corner. "Hey are you close friends with them?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes, you can say that." I answer back which makes her eyes sparkle more.

"Then you gotta invite them to our club!" She yelled which leads to Zuramaru and Ruby looking at us.

"Shhhh... You need to be more discreet!" I whispered yelled at her.
"Hehehehe, sorry." was her answer.

"Then I'll leave it to you Yoshiko!" She said grabbing You senpai as they turned the other way.

The three of us entered the classroom quietly until Zuramaru decided to break it out. "What was that zura?" Zuramaru asked.

"It was nothing. Chika is always like that." I answered back which makes them look at me.

"What?" Now it was my turn to ask. "Nothing, it just that when did you make friends with the upperclassmen Yoshiko-chan?" Was the sudden question of Ruby making me realized I addressed them so casually.

"Ahahaha, we ride on the same bus so it just happened that we became really close." I said saying a little bit of truth in there as I sit comfortably at my desk.

Several minutes later the teacher came in signaling the start of the class.

The class go on quickly as the end of the day draws near, I still can't bring myself to ask them about the Hero club. Sighing, I packed my belongings getting ready to go to training.

As I walk towards the door, someone grabbed my hand. "Yo-Yoshiko-chan, let's go home together." It was Ruby asking me. "Sorry, I have to go to our training." Was my immediate reply.

"What training zura?" was the immediate question of Zuramaru. "I joined the Hero club yesterday, so I'm going to train." I replied.

"So cool! Can we watch? I mean Maru-chan let's go watch!" was the enthusiastic reply of Ruby which makes me think she reflected Chika in terms of excitement towards heroes.

"Sure, I was hoping to invite the two of you to join the club anyway." I stated as I pulled them along towards the beach.

As we got there, Chika and You we're talking happily. You noticed us and she immediately waved at us followed by Chika.

"Good afternoon, they came here to watch." was my immediate greeting.

"Yes! We can be an official club!" Chika yelled and I deadpanned hearing her declaration.

"Chika-chan, your not listening are you? They said they just came here to watch" I feel relieved that You is here to control Chika.

"Oh, is that so? Hehehe, sorry I'm too excited. But I'm going to definitely make you a member!" There it was again, the undying determination of Chika.

"It looks like we're going to have more members in just a short time." I whispered to You.

"Hmmm! Your right about that!" She replied as we laughed to ourselves.

To be continued...

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