Rage Within

152 12 3

Mari's POV

After everything went dark, I arrived in a not-so-shiny place. Everywhere is full of trees, and darkness seemed to consume the whole area.

"M-Mari-chan is that you?" I turned around to see one of my group mates.

"Oh, You-chan. Chikacchi is not with you?" She shaked her head and my smile disappeared.

"Everyone was separated. Although I'm glad I found you. Do you happen to know where are we?"

"No I don't. Probably some-" I immediately shut up after I heard a voice.

"Dear contestants, the preliminary round for this year is about survival game. All of you are currently transported in Aokigahara. The teams who could survive and get out of the forest safely will advance to the second round. But please be informed that many monsters likes to walk around this forest. I wish you the best of luck dear contestants!"

"D-Did you hear that Mari-chan? We should hurry to find the others!"

I nodded and we immediately dashed off. Running with all my might while invading those huge trees was really exhausting. But the two of us keep running aimlessly.

"Mari-chan, look out!"

I didn't have time to react as You-chan pushed me down and we stumbled to the ground. The fall really hurts but my eyes snapped open when I felt an evil aura.

"Well, well. Look what we got here. Some measly humans for our dinner."

My body stiffened when I saw a demon appeared in front of me. Despite the overwhelming fear in my body, I tried to stand up. I glanced at You-chan to see her equally shocked as me.

The demon smiled widely as she eyed our movements. The demon licked her lips as she looked at us hungrily.

"Thanks for the food!"

She yelled and the two of us quickly reacted. She launched at us and we immediately countered back.

"Shock Fist"

"Tidal Punch"

Our attacks collided as we try to maintain our power. The demon smiled widely, enjoying the scared look on our faces. With a swift turn, the demon landed a kick and I was knocked back.


You-chan called out. Rolling to the ground, I stopped myself and pushed myself to stand up. I look ahead to witness You-chan being strangled by the demon.

"Hahaha, you should have worry about yourself more."

Pointing my finger, I aimed for the demon's head.

"Lightning Strike"

The demon turned her head to me and smirked. My eyes widen in horror when she used You-chan as a shield.

"Ahhhhh!!" You-chan screamed.

"Oh, what a nice reaction!"

I clenched my fist tightly as I ran towards them. When I was about to get close, she tossed You-chan towards me. Luckily I was able to react on time to catch her.

"You-chan! Are you alright?!"

"M'ri, I c-an't m've."

"I understand. Stay here for a little while."

I put her down comfortably before putting a shield for her safety. After that was done, I turned my attention towards the demon.

"How dare you?!"

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