Persistent Enemy

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Yoshiko's POV

"The winner for this years hero festival is the outstanding ruler of the vast oceans, Aqours!"

Hearing the announcement, I smiled happily as the crowd cheered for our victory. Suddenly, I found myself on the ground as Chika cried with happy tears on my chest.

"We did it! We have won Yoshiko-chan!" She smiled brightly through her flowing tears.

Our teammates rushed to our side as we stood up for a big hug. Somehow, all of us, had a red puffy eyes when we arrived at Mari's hotel.

"Everyone! Let's toast for our victory tonight!" Mari began yelling as soon as we arrived in the lobby.

"Wait! Mari-san, we need to check on our enrollees for this school year." Dia intervene.

Mari gave us a smirk before snapping her fingers. In an instant, a maid showed up with a laptop in hand.

"Look at this!"

We all gasped when we looked at the results in front of us. Somehow, everyone cried again in joy.

"W-We exceed the expected results! O-Our school is saved." Dia exclaimed in disbelief.

In the corner, I saw Mari whispering something with the maid before she clapped to gather our attention.

"Okay everyone. All preparations for the party is done~! Let's head to the rooftop!"

Wiping our tears, we all smiled and followed Mari. However when we arrived, we once again got to see something unexpected.

"M-Mari-chan! You invited our family?!" Lily exclaimed in shock.

"Our schoolmates too!" You added.

"Even the muse members are here!" Chika shouted in excitement.

"Of course we have to celebrate this lovely occasion with them! And I also want to appeal to my future father and mother-in-law." Mari whispered that last part before stepping up to the stage.

"A pleasant evening everyone~! I hope everyone will enjoy this victorious party tonight! So please don't hold back and have a shiny fun night!"

Everyone cheered at her ridiculous speech. And with that, this chaotic party begun.

Sighing, I resigned myself to find a peaceful area were I could peacefully rest. The loud music and their silly games made me even more tired as I sit on the corner.

"Are you okay, Yocchan?"

I looked up to see Lily offering me a drink. I nod at her as I took the cup.

"Yes, I'm just tired. How about you Lily? Are you having fun?"

She smiled at me, "Honestly, I'm always having fun when I'm with you."

Feeling the familiar warmth arose in my cheeks, I turned my head to the other side to avoid further embarrassment.

"How could you say such embarrassing things?" I asked in a small voice.

She giggled at me before cupping my cheeks. She slowly turned my head to gave me a kiss. The kiss was brief, but it was filled with our love for one another.

"I'm really glad your here with me, Yocchan." Lily spoke in a soft voice as she buried her face on my neck.

Smiling, I patted her head gently before whispering, "I'm also glad!"

The two of us remained in that position for a while before I felt something familiar. The coldness in the air make it worst as I subconsciously flinched.

"Yocchan? Is everything all right? Are you cold? Do you want to get inside?"

Lily bombarded me with questions as she looked at me worriedly. I smiled at her to lessen her worries.

"Don't worry Lily. In a moment, I suddenly felt some dark energy around here so I must look into it."

When I was about to separate, she hugged my arm.

"Then, let's look for it together!"

I was about to reject her when I saw her pleading eyes. Sighing, I nodded at her before walking to the other side of the rooftop. When we arrived there, I felt that familiar energy again. But before I could ponder more about it, multiple dark beams suddenly shoot towards us.

"Y-Yocchan!" Lily screamed as she closed her eyes. Raising my hand, I easily absorbed the beam. However, the other attacks hit the other people on the roof. I turned around to see a horrifying scene. Those who have been hit was petrified.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!" I began screaming. Everyone on the roof heard my voice as they began to panic. My friends tried their hardest to calm them down.

"Hello, Yoshiko. Do you miss me?"

All of our eyes widen when we saw the man in front of us. The same man who almost tortured me to death.

"What are you doing here?! You crazy bastard!" I yelled in anger.

Uncle didn't answer as he sent a rain of dark spears towards the people on the roof. Raising my hand, I made it in time to protect them.

"This time, I'll make sure to kill you!" Uncle suddenly yelled.

"That's supposed to be my line!" I yelled back with more anger.

I sprouted my dark, large wings from my back and was about to take off when suddenly, a hand stopped me from going.

"Yocchan, let's go together."

My eyes widen for the second time as I saw Lily's pure white wings and a determined look on her face.

"Wait Lily, it's dangerous!" I yelled immediately.

"Then would it be better to let you fight on your own?" Hearing that question made ma recall Mari's words at me.

"I'm not alone." But, this situation is different than last time.

"Yeah, your right. However, he's stronger than the last time. And I know, everyone can feel the difference on his magic power-"

Lily tightened her gripped, "Then, let us help you!"

I only smiled before I pushed her away. "I'm sorry Riko. I don't want to lose any of you."

Lily was about to chase after me when suddenly, arms wrapped around her waist, stopping her movement.

"Take care of her for me, Mari." I smiled at my trusted friend before I flapped my wings and took flight.


"Mari-chan?! Why are you stopping me?! We need to help Yocchan."

"I'm sorry Rikocchi. I know I'm a coward and you can hate me all you want but..." Mari tightened her gripped on her friend's waist.

"...I know we're just going to be a burden to Yoshikocchi if we help her. That is why, we can only hope and believe. Believe in her power!"

"Yes, that's right. That man is a kind of man that will use others to win. He can use us against Yoshiko. That is why it's best if we stay put." Riko turned her head to see Umi, with a painful expression.

"As we are now, we can't stood a chance to a dark magic user." Honoka began to talk. "Magic users like him is a living devil!" She added.

"No, he's more powerful than our species. But I can help Yoshiko if I was not affected by his awful smell." Nico commented.

"Awful smell?" Riko inquired.

"Yes, that man gave off something inhuman. It disrupts my devil energy to the point that I can feel my mind blanking. That man is releasing something demonic." Nico explained.

"His beyond our level. Our attacks will only fuel his magic power. But if it's Yoshiko, a fellow dark user, she can defeat him. That is why, let's put our faith on what she can do." Nozomi added.

Riko was about to remain stubborn when she felt Mari's tears dripping on her shoulder. Understanding, Riko finally stopped struggling and looked up.

To be continued...

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