Preliminary Round

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Riko's POV

I woke up earlier today looking forward for our trip to the Sonoda residence.

I picked up my phone from the side table and I noticed one unread message.

From: Yohane
Subject: Sorry

Everyone, I'm sorry for lying to you. I have already arrived at the Sonoda residence. I wished you the best on the preliminary round. Good luck!

Reading the message, I quickly get up from the bed. I exited my bedroom and ran out from my apartment.

I hurriedly knocked at Yocchan's apartment. I was about to give up when no one answered, but suddenly, the door opened.

"Hmm? Who might you be?"

The girl that greeted me smiled politely. She has this dark violet her that are tied up to a side ponytail.

"Ah! Sorry to disturb you. I'm Sakurauchi Riko, Yocha- I mean Yoshiko-chan's friend."

"So your Yoshiko's friend. My name is Kazuno Sarah, Yuki's senpai."

"Sarah-san, is Yoshiko-chan home?"

"Eh? She didn't tell you? They left yesterday night."

"Y-Yesterday night?"

She nod her head looking at me with worry. I quickly change my expression, putting on a smile.

"Thank you Sarah-san. Sorry for the trouble, I'll be going now."

"No problem, I'm glad to be a help."

After flashing a quick smile, I returned to my apartment. I hurriedly ran back to my room to get my phone.

To: Aqours
Subject: Meeting

Everyone, Let's meet up at the beach at 7. If you already received Yoshiko-chan's message then I think we should discuss our next move.

Putting my phone down, I quickly showered myself, dressed up and went down for breakfast.

As quickly as I could managed, I ran down to the beach near Chika-chan's family Inn.

Arriving at the meeting place, Chika-chan and You-chan were already there. After a while, the Kurosawa sisters arrive along with Hanamaru-chan.

And lastly, Kanan-chan and Mari-chan arrive together. Kanan-chan's face was all red because of Mari-chan's teasing. They continue to do that until Dia-san intervened.

"Ahem! Now that we are all here, let's start our meeting."

Dia cleared her throat. She spoke at us calmly but you could see her glare pointed at Mari-chan.

"Oh come on darling~ you don't have to be jealous. Because Kanan here is already taken~!"

"Don't call me darling! And I know that!"

"Kanan-chan's taken?"

"You didn't know Chikacchi~ But you don't have to worry, you'll meet her later on~."

"Hey Mari-san, I'm not done talking to you!"

"Oh~ you want my attention Dia-chan~"

"I already told you! Stop with all those ridiculously cute nicknames!"

They started their bickering again. Sighing, I decided to intervene their lovers fight.

"Umm.. Dia-san, Mari-chan, could you please stop your lovers quarrel for now. We have some things to do."

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