Overwhelming Emotions

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Ruby's POV

I could not speak a word as I quietly observed the fight. Seeing my sister in action really flared up some emotions inside me.

"Light devotion"

I heard Riko-chan yelled as she countered my sister's attacks. From here, you can see my sister's shocked face.

"Not bad, Sakurauchi-san!" I was more surprised by my sister's compliment.

"T-Thank you senpai." Riko-chan stated as she was flustered by the sudden compliment.

"But don't let your guard down!" Onee-chan shouted as she kneeled to touch the ground.

"Explosive Rocks!"

"Eh?! Explosive?!" Riko-chan was surprised as she froze in place. Panicked was written all over her face.

"Lily! Fly!" Yoshiko-chan yelled beside me as she nodded in affirmation. But more importantly, we were amazed by her statement.

Just like Yoshiko-chan, wings sprouted from Riko-chan's back. But this time, the wings are pure white in color.

"Wow! An angel!" exclaimed Chika-chan while we stared at her in awe. "We have a fallen angel now we had an angel. What's going to be next a mermaid?!"

We deadpanned at Chika-chan's statement as You-chan laughed awkwardly. After that so called 'nonsense' (Yoshiko-chan's word), we decided to focused our attention to the fight.

"Arrows Judgement!"

Pure white arrows was released, raining down unto us. But like it has a mind on it's own, the arrows headed to onee-chan's direction.

Onee-chan's was amazed, but she quickly snapped out of it as she shouted a protective magic.

"Earth Dome!"

The arrows hit the dome. But to our surprised, the arrows started to penetrate the shield.

"Onee-chan!" I cried as I saw the arrows hit her and a blinding light forced us to shut our eyes.

When we opened it again, I only saw Riko-chan with a shocked face, her body was chained.

"How?!" she asked in disbelief to see Onee-chan behind her, smiling in victory.

"I happened to be good at creating earth clones that's why!" She stated triumphantly as Riko-chan sighed in defeat.

"The Victor is Dia!" Kanan-senpai yelled as Mari-senpai applaused happily accompanied with a "that's my darling~"

After that, Dia onee-chan released Riko-chan as she run towards us quickly hugging Yoshiko-chan.

"I lost guys, sorry." She stated with a hint of disappointment in her voice.
"Does worry you were really awesome facing senpai!" Chika-chan was the first one that speak out.

"Yes, we were really amazed!" You-chan added. Riko-chan let go of her hug from Yoshiko-chan, then she looked at us smiling.

"Thank you guys." We smiled back at her as we did a group hug. After that our little moment was disrupted by Chika-chan.

"Then now it's my time to-" she stated as she was quickly cut off by Yoshiko-chan.

"Ruby will be next!" She exclaimed. I look at her in disbelief while Chika-chan pouted. The others looked at her in approval.

"I agree zura." Maru-chan quickly added as I tensed up more. "I can't do this." I mumbled softly.

It appears Yoshiko-chan heard that as she shot me a question. "Do you really think that?"

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