Hidden Truth

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Yoshiko's POV

Three days had passed since I received the letter. It is now a fine Friday afternoon as I head home with Lily, You and Chika.

"Yoshiko-chan, what time do we meet again?" Chika asked as she gave me a wide smile.

"Silly Chika-chan, you forgot about it already?" Chika pouted as You patted her head.

"We will be meeting at 7 in the morning. You-chan, make sure that Chika-chan will wake up on time."

"I'm on it!"

They laughed together as I forced a smile on my face. Feeling guilty that I need to decieved them, but all of this are for their own safety.

'At least I got to see you guys before I left.'


Arriving at the apartment building, I received a message from my Mother.

Sender: Mom
"We will be waiting for you at the park."

"What is it Yocchan?" Lily asked confused as I suddenly stopped at the stairs.

"Sorry Lily. Mom asked me to buy some ingredients for dinner!"

"Then I'll go with y-"


My eyes widen as I suddenly yelled at her. Her face turned to concern as she looked at me.

"I-I mean, I'm going to meet nee-san on the way so I had to go. Bye!"

I ran downstairs as fast as I could ignoring Lily's protest. I ran towards the park and I immediately spotted a black limousine parked by the road.

"Yoshi-chan!" Nee-san ran towards me while Dad and Mom stood behind her.

"Hey nee-san, your squeezing me."

"Ah sorry, by the way, you got some explaining to do!"

I sighed heavily as I give her nod. She happily lead me to the car as we drove towards our destination, the Sonoda Household.


After an hour or two, we finally arrived in front of the Sonoda Mansion.


The two of us yelled loudly as we look at the super huge Japanese style mansion in front of us.

"Hey Yuki, Yoshiko, please don't yell. The two of you are making a scene."

Mother scolded us and Father just laughed awkwardly at our surprised faces.

Just then the door opened and we were greeted by a woman with long blue hair and shining brown eyes. She was accompanied by an ashen haired woman with soft amber eyes.

'Her eyes reminds me of Lily's eyes.' I thought to myself, remembering how gentle her eyes are whenever she looked at me.

Suddenly, my blood started to boil as I saw a very familiar face.

"Welcome, I see that you have arrived safely."

My grandmother spoke as she gave my parents a hug which they gladly reciprocated it.

"How about you my lovely granddaughters?"

I gritted my teeth as I wiped my frown and forced a smile. To her request, I only hugged her quickly follow by my sister who did the same.

"Oh I forgot to introduce you..." My father stated, easing the tensed atmosphere.

"This beautiful woman here is my older sister."

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