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No one's POV


The raging dragon was finally released as it effortlessly swallowed Yoru's attack before hitting him directly. Everyone on the room held their breaths as the man staggered back a little before slowly collapsing to the floor.

"S-She did it!" Chika cheered happily while the others smiled in relief.

"I did it, Yocchan."

Riko smiled to herself before she felt her legs began to lose their strength. Seeing her junior struggling to remain standing, Mari wanted to help her but she realized the state they were in.

"Hey Chikacchi? Ready for the shiny escape?" Chika smiled at her senpai before nodding eagerly.

"Then, Dia, Maru-chan, please activate your shield and get ready to run!"

Dia and Hanamaru looked at each other confusedly before doing what they were asked for.

"So, what now Mari-ch-!"

Before Hanamaru could finish her statement, a numerous explosion occurred as the whole residence shake violently.

"Let's run for our lives!" Chika exclaimed, swooping Riko on the way as they ran to the exit.

"H-Hey Chika-san? What did you just do?" Dia asked sternly as they continued to avoid some falling debris.

"Oh, the bombs that I brought happened to be a good strategy for our escape!" Chika replied happily as they continued to run.

"You did what?!" Riko was the one who yelled this time as her voice was full of disbelief.

"Come on Riko-chan, you can thank me later. More demons are on their way to pursue us. And by the way, your really heavy." Chika joked.

"I am not heavy!" Riko protested. Chika suddenly stopped running as they were sorrounded again by the demons.

"Man! How come these creatures are so fast!" Chika complained as she slowly placed Riko on the ground.

"We have no choice but to fight." Dia concluded.

"But can we really defeat them, zura?" Hanamaru asked nervously as she looked at the large crowd of demons.

"Oh man! I wish there were someone who could help us!" Chika complained for the umpteenth time.

"And what could possibly made you think that?" Dia asked with irritation.

"I don't know? Just a wishful thinking!" Chika replied.

"Then you brats may be right."

The five of them flinched at the new voice that joined them. They looked above to see the nine newly arrived girls.

"Hey Nico-chan, that's very rude you know." A red-head scolded her devil lover.

"Woah! It's muse! They came to rescue us!" Chika exclaimed excitedly.

"Do you guys need our help?" Nozomi asked as she looked at her blonde friend.

"Yes please." Mari answered smiling.

The nine former heroes smiled back at them before raiding the whole place. They treated the demons like flies as they completely annihilated every single one of them.

"Wow, I can't believe they just killed this demon with ease, zura!" Hanamaru exclaimed in awe.

"Yep, that's muse for you! The legendary hero group!" Chika and Dia exclaimed in unison.

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