New Power

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No one's POV


Yoshiko heard her friends shout in anguish as she put herself in the line to protect them. She could feel everything hurts, but none of that was important. She remained standing until the attack stopped.

Suddenly, her legs began to gave out. She collapsed to the ground with a thud. With all her might, Riko ran over to her beloved despite the heavily layer of smoke obstructing her sight.

"Yocchan! Yocchan!" Riko frantically look around until she saw that beautiful navy blue hair that she loved so much.

"Y-Yocchan!" Riko hurriedly ran to her side. She held her tightly as Yoshiko looked up to her weakly.

" alright?" Riko could only laugh at that as she kissed her forehead.

"You dummy. I should be the one asking that!" Riko felt her cheeks dampen with tears. With her shaky hand, Yoshiko mustered all her strength to wipe her beloved's tears.

" don't....cry.. I.... love.... Lily'" At that request, Riko can't help but to give Yoshiko her genuine smile. Clasping her hand that was on her cheeks, she lowered herself to gave her a kiss.

The kiss was so warm, and Riko felt Yoshiko's love on that kiss. Riko wished that this warmth could last forever. However, fate is cruel in many ways. As soon as she felt Yoshiko's hand was turning undeniably cold, that was the time she knew that her beloved will be taken away from her.

"Y-Yocchan?!" Riko looked in horror. Yoshiko's hand was starting to disappear. And by the looks on Yoshiko's expression, she was surprised as well.

"No, no, no! What's happening to you, Yocchan?!" Riko held her hand, but this time, she only caught the air.

No word was spoken from Yoshiko, but Riko heard her voice loud and clear in her heart.

"Hey, Lily? Please always remember that I'll still love you no matter what happens."

Riko tried hard to deny what was happening right now, but she knew well that she have to accept this reality. She gave Yoshiko another kiss us she countlessly begged the gods to hear her pleas. But all of that was in vain, as Yoshiko's body became more transparent in every second. 

"Keep living for me, Lily." With one final smile, Yoshiko's body was gone along with the smoke.

Riko could only hold on to her beloved's words as she slowly rise up on her feet. Her friends who immediatley spotted her, ran over to her side quickly.

"Riko-chan are you alright? Where's Yoshiko-chan?" Chika asked as she look at her friend worriedly.

As soon as the others saw Riko's face, they immediately knew the answer. Riko didn't answer Chika's question as she walk ahead facing the man who took her beloved.

"Oh? Did my niece finally rest in peace?" The man asked smugly as he looked at the quiet red head.

"" Riko muttered.

"Huh, what was that?"


Riko's voice resound in the room as she raised her hand on the air. Her magic caused the room to darkened as she swiftly planned her attack.

"R-Riko-san, what are you planning to do?" Dia asked nervously.

"I'll fight that man alone, you guys shielded me from any incoming demon attack." Riko stated with finality as she took a step forward.
Suddenly, a hand stopped her for a moment. 

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