Not Alone Anymore

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No one's POV

Two girls stood quietly while their faces was flushing red. After Yoshiko explain all about the mating situation, Riko finally understood.

They want to deny it at first, but the signs and evidences are all there. First, the telephatic conversation between them. Second, the marks on there necks.

"So Yocchan...are we a thing now?"

Yoshiko tilted her head in question. Riko can't help to find that action insanely cute.

"A thing?"

Riko face turned redder. She thought deeply how she could tell her feelings for Yoshiko. Is she really in love with her?

Now that she had the time to think things through, she always found herself adoring Yoshiko's little quirks. She likes her adorable smile and in every taunt she pull, Riko always found herself enjoying it. She doesn't like it when they are apart and her heart beat a mile whenever they are close. Wait, she really had fallen hard doesn't she?

"Let me revised that Yocchan....... Yohane, no, Yoshiko I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Yoshiko's face copied Riko's face. Did she really heard that right? The beautiful Lily she adored, liked her.

Riko was a talented woman. She's good in arts and music. She has top grades and on top of that, she's a real beauty. Yoshiko wondered why Riko loved her. Riko also thought the same thing. But that doesn't matter as they heard loud and clear each other's thoughts.

"Riko, I love you too. I'll be glad to be your girlfriend."

Wide smile plastered on their faces as they hugged each other. With Riko now by her side. Yoshiko felt stronger than before.

"Ummm.. Riko-chan, Yoshiko-chan may I ask you what's happening here."

The two girls broke their hug. They looked at the third person in shock and shame. How could they not notice Ruby standing there awkwardly.

"R-Ruby, when did you get here?!"

"That is supposed to be my line Yoshiko-chan. What are you doing in here? Also, I don't remember anything besides being transported here."

Yoshiko sighed heavily wondering how she's going to explain all of this mess. Still, she has an obligation to do so.

"You see Ruby, all of this is a fake. And importantly, all of this is my family's fault and I'm here to fix it."


After their brief explanation about the whole situation, the three of them decided to head West. Yoshiko picked up Hanamaru and Chika's scent so they immediately followed it.

"Are you sure about this Yocchan?"

Riko worriedly asked, praying that her friends are still in good shape. Yoshiko only smirked as the scent goes stronger.

"Here they are!"

Yoshiko pointed at the direction ahead. True to her words, Chika was ahead in a battle with a demon. Hanamaru was up in the air with another demon.

"I'll be going ahead. Lily, Ruby, try to catch up as fast as you can."

Without hearing their response, Yoshiko dashed off quickly aiming first to the demon in the air. With incredible speed, she launched at the demon from above causing it to land harshly to the ground.

"Eh? It's Yoshiko-chan zura!"

Hanamaru yelled in surprised when she saw her friend. Hearing Hanamaru's shout, Chika looked up to see Yoshiko. She smiled brightly at her.

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