Lost Friend

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No one's POV

Aqours chat happily as they exited the venue to celebrate. As soon as they step outside, a helicopter landed in front of them.

"Eh? Guys, what is this?" Chika looked at the others to see their equally surprised expression except for a certain blonde.

"I prepared a shiny helicopter for all of us! Let's go to y family's hotel to celebrate!" After that, Mari swiftly brought them on to the helicopter and head to the Ohara hotel.

Upon arriving at the rooftop of the hotel, the outdoor swimming pool was already decorated and some food were already served.

"Since when did you had a time to prepare this?!" Yoshiko exclaimed at the sight.

"You don't have to trouble yourself with anything~! Let's start our shiny celebration!"



A man sit comfortably in a chair as his sorrounding was utterly in chaos from the messed up papers. He take a slow sip of his wine before the door suddenly opened.

"Greetings to our Master." I low voice was heard as the man slowly turned to look at the newly arrived servant.

"What brings you hear, Stevan? Did you find any ways to capture 'her'?" The man punctuated the word with bitterness before he took another sip from his wine.

"I'm very sorry Master, I don't have a solid plan. However, the target is currently low in guard. We can take her now in an instant."

The man smiled at that statement before standing up. He placed the glass of wine in the desk before approaching the servant.

"Then I'll be expecting her sooner than later. And for the job well done, I'll let you borrow some of my power."

The servant kneeled in one knee before answering, "I won't disappoint you, Master Yoru."


The Ohara hotel's rooftop was booming with loud sounds as their party continued.

"Hmmm....hmmm... All of this food are extremely delicious!" Yoshiko stated us she continued to munch on the food.

"I agree zura! I'll have some more of this stewshine, zura!"

Riko looked at the two with disbelief before speaking, "You two looks like you haven't eaten for days."

"Oh, I didn't eat for four hours zura. I need to replenish my energy." Hanamaru answered as she continued to munch the food.

"Oh~ Hanamaru-chan, I'm glad you like my master piece!" Mari exclaimed as she patted the girl's head.

"Yes, every single one of the ingredient just mixed up together to make this incredibly delicious food zura. Hey Mari-chan, what ingredients did you put in here?"

"I'm glad you ask! Those are high class seafoods that I've collected all over the world!"

"All over the world? Mari, how much does this stewshine cost?" Yoshiko inquired hesitantly.

"Hmmm....only a 100,000 yen per bowl!" Hanamaru almost spit out the food in her mouth when she heard the cost.

"A- a- a- a 100,000 yen!" Hanamaru yelled as she looked at how many bowls she just ate.

"Geez, don't worry! All of this are for free so eat up!" Mari reassured before stripping her clothes to reveal a violet swimsuit underneath.

"Who want to join me on the pool?"

"Me!" Chika, You and Kanan yelled at the same time.

"Here are your swimsuit!" Mari handed them the clothing before giving the bag to Riko.

"And here are the rest of the swimsuits if any of you wants to join later!" Mari winked at them before heading towards the pool.

"So, are you going with them Yocchan?" Riko looked at her girlfriend who is still busy eating.

Yoshiko swallowed the food on her mouth before answering. "Nah, I'm not in the mood to swim right now."

"Then can you at least stop dumping your mouth with so much food? Your going to have a stomach ache if you eat that mu-!!!"

Riko's statement was caught off when suddenly, some dark smoke covered the entire rooftop. In panic, Yoshiko yelled for Riko's name.

"L-Lily, where are you!"

"I'm here Yocchan!" Hearing Riko's voice, Yoshiko ran up to her. She saw Riko's silhouette in the distance so she fasten her pace until she was able to grabbed her hand.

"L-Lily, are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine, Yocchan." Yoshiko suddenly felt something different from Riko as she slowly released her hand.

"I-Is that you, Lily?" Yoshiko asked hesitantly. Riko slowly looked at her and reached for her hand again. This time, she held Yoshiko's hand very tightly.

"Yes, it's me Yocchan. And your coming with me." She smiled sweetly at Yoshiko before more black smokes enveloped their sorrounding.


Hearing that voice, Yoshiko quickly turned her head to see Riko still standing by the table earlier.

"Eh? Lily?" Yoshiko's eyes widen as she came to a realization. She turned her head to the Riko beside her to see a different face. A demon with white hair and blood-red eyes grasped her hand tightly.

"Your coming with me, 'Tsushima Yoshiko'!" And in instant, they disappeared with the smoke.

Riko looked in horror as she tried to reach for her beloved but she was far too late. She looked over the building to see no Yocchan in sight.

"N-No...this c-can't be?!" She yelled in frustration and the others looked at her in confusion.

"What happened, Riko-chan?" Chika was the first to asked the red-haired.

"Y-You didn't see w-what happened?" Riko asked slowly.

"N-No, we didn't." You answered hesitantly. Riko began to tears up as she slumped to the ground.

"No... This can't be happening." Alarmed, Chika and You tried to comfort their friend.

"Hey Riko-chan, what happened?! Hey!" Riko fainted in Chika's arms as she shake her awake.

"I-It's no use. She won't wake up. Do any one of you see what happened?" At You's question, Hanamaru shakelly raise her hand.

"I-I was with them s-so I saw what happened clearly, zura." Hanamaru was shaking so Kanan had to reassure her to keep talking.

"When we were eating, Riko-chan and Yoshiko-chan were talking. Suddenly, black smoke covered our sight. I tried to feel my sorrounding and I immediately know that there was something wrong. But I completely depend on Yoshiko-chan to handle those things. A-And because of that, s-she's been abducted."

The others widen their eyes in surprised at Hanamaru's story. Hanamaru begin to shake violently as tears rolled down on her face.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't tried to save her even though I promised!"

"Shhhh... Hanamaru-chan, it's not your fault." Mari softly stated as she hugged the girl.

"We were worse for not noticing that our friend was in danger. So you don't have to completely blame yourself." Hanamaru buried her face in Mari's chest as she tried to control her sobs.

"Shhhh... Stop crying, Hanamaru-chan. I bet, Yoshikocchi will laugh at you if she saw your snot covered face right now."Mari joke while finally broke the hug and wiped her tears.

"Your right, zura. Thank you, Mari-chan! I know I fail tonight, but I swear I'm going to save her this time!"

"Your wrong, Hanamaru-chan...." The others looked at Riko who finally gained conscious.

".....We're going to save her!"

To be continued...

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