Moving On zura

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Hanamaru's POV

Taking a walk by the shore, I keep quiet looking at the distant sun disappearing from the horizon. Since our practice was cancelled, we were told to go home early.

Arriving at the temple, I immediately did all my homework, eat my dinner, took a bath and go to sleep. Every night, these are the only things I do. These things just showed how I became so empty inside.

I've never felt so empty like this before. All of this started when I realized my feelings for her. When I realized that I loved her. But I was too late. The next thing I knew, she was already taken by someone else.

Waking up the next morning, I readied myself to go to school. Eating my breakfast, my parents looked at me worriedly.

"Hey Hanamaru-chan? Are feeling okay? You haven't eaten the usual amount of food you eat ever since you returned home."

Raising my head, I put out the best smile I could manage to do.

"It's nothing, zura! I always enjoy mother's food but when my body is starting to get fat, I decided to do my diet zura!" I lied as I hurriedly eat my meal.

Standing up, I gave them a small smile before grabbing my bag and head over to the door.

"I'll be going now!"

"Take care, Hanamaru-chan!"

Closing the door, I started to walk to school. Along the way, Ruby-chan was waiting for me in our usual meeting place.

"Good morning Hanamaru-chan!"

"Mhmm, good morning Ruby-chan."

I started to walk again before I noticed that Ruby-chan wasn't following me. Turning around, I gave her a questioning look.

"What's wrong Ruby-chan?" Ruby-chan gave me a sad smile before stepping forward.

"That's supposed to be my line Maru-chan. You seemed so distant ever since we returned from Tokyo."

'Ah, the same question again.' Putting on my mask like I always do, I gave her the same answer.

"It's nothing zura! Now come on or we'll be late." Grabbing her hand, a pulled her along as we continued our silent walk to school.

Arriving at the classroom, I hurriedly sit on my sit as I open my book to distract myself.

"A pleasant morning, little demons." As soon as I heard that voice, I felt a pain on my chest. Gripping my book, I tried to remain focus on what I'm reading.

"Good morning, Yoshiko-chan!" Ruby-chan greeted her as she approached her desk. After a while, the two of them went silent.

"H-Hey Ruby? Is there something wrong with Zuramaru? She always seemed to be mad at me."

Yoshiko-chan tried to whispher her question to Ruby-chan but she ultimately failed because of my ability to carry the sound by wind. Glancing at them over my shoulder, I saw Ruby-chan shaked her head.

"I don't know Yoshiko-chan. When I ask, she always dodge my questions. I think you should be do it."

Before Yoshiko-chan could answer, the teacher arrived as the bell rang.

The classes went well, except from the occasional stare I kept on feeling from Ruby-chan and Yoshiko-chan. When lunch came by, Yoshiko-chan immediately excused herself to have her lunch with her beloved Lily.

"H-Hanamaru-chan?" Lost on my own thought, I didn't realize that I was already spacing out.

"W-What is it, Ruby-chan?"

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