Werewolves' Nature

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Yoshiko's POV

After I cried out every painful emotions I kept inside, I felt like a huge burden was lift up from my shoulders.

"Did you finally calm down?" My aunt ask as she pulled back from the hug to wipe my tears.

I blushed from the contact and I nodded meekly as a response.

"Then I should show you to your room. Your must be tired from all of this."

She kindly took my hand and guided me through the corridors. She led me to a very big bedroom with luxurious items.

"I'll leave you be. Please have a nice rest."

I nodded at her and she exited the room. Since the bedroom has it's own personal bathroom, I quickly took a bath before changing into my pajamas.

I pulled my phone in my bag. I started to write a short message before sending it to my beloved friends.

To: Aqours
Subject: Sorry

Everyone, I'm sorry for lying to you. I have already arrived at the Sonoda residence. I wished you the best on the preliminary round. Good luck!

Closing my phone, I laid it down in the table, in the middle of the room. Then I flopped down to the bed as my mind started to doze off.

That night, I was able to sleep peacefully for the first time. Sorrounding by the calming scent of the sea, all of my sorrow disappeared.


I closed my eyes shut feeling the sunlight hitting my skin. I could also heard the bird chirping while hearing a lovely tune. Turning to my side, I tried to go back to sleep. Instead, I felt something heavy pushing me to the bed.

"Wake up, nee-chan!"

A cherry voice made me rub my eyelids. I opened my eyes slightly trying to adjust from the sun's blinding light, before fully opening them.

"Ah! Your awake. Good morning!"

A little bluenette greeted me. She gave me a big cheeky grin before straddling me to the bed.

'Wait... She looks just like.....!'

"Ah, Kotomi! You shouldn't do that!"

Aunt Umi entered the room, quickly picking up the small little girl into her arms.

"Sorry about that Yoshiko. Did you get a nice rest?"

I paused momentarily looking at the kid, back to aunt Umi, before I answered back.

"Y-Yes. Ummm..is that your..."

"Ah! You haven't meet each other yesterday. Kotomi, introduce yourself."

The little girl nod before looking back at me, she flashed me a wide grin before introducing herself.

"Nice to meet you Yoshiko-neechan, my name is Sonoda Kotomi!"

She bowed to me lightly before wiggling off from aunt Umi's hand.

"K-Kotomi! You should behave."

"Papa, I want to hug nee-chan!"

Aunt Umi sighed before placing little Kotomi in the bed. She gave me a tight hug before pulling me out of the bed.

"Come on nee-chan! Let's eat some breakfast, my mom cooking is really good!"

I look at aunt Umi and she gave me a nod. Nodding back to her, I left the room while being dragged by Kotomi.

Arriving at the dinning room, the table was full of delicious looking food. Nee-san and the others were already sitting as my grandmother make me sit next to her.

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