Worrisome Feelings

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You's POV

My sorrounding suddenly went dark before a blinding light appeared. I closed my eyes and I felt my self float. Then in an instant, I felt the ground again and the light vanished.

"Hey, were here now." I heard Yoshiko-chan's voice and I started to open my eyes. I looked around to see a familiar room. We are now currently inside the clubroom.

"Now let's hurry up and sneak to class!" Yoshiko-chan opened the door and she suddenly froze.

"D-Dia?" When she uttered that name, me and Riko-chan also froze.

"Well, well... The three of you got some nerve to go to class this late."

"H-How did you know we were here?! Could it be? TELEPHATIC CONNECTION?!"

"No~ There was something shiny~ on the clubroom so we went to see what it was!" Mari-chan exclaimed. The three of us went silent, afraid of Dia's wrath that will be fall unto us.

"Geez guys, your scaring them!" Chika-chan appeared near them followed by the other members.

"W-What's going on here? Did my little demons wanted to sin with me?" Yoshiko posed dramatically to hide her fear.

"Buu~buu~! We didn't just come here to skip class!" Dia yelled loudly.

"We came to ask you about this~" Mari showed us her laptop. The three of us were shocked to see that our fight from earlier was clearly on the news.

"We were surprised you know! We wondered why the three of you were so late, and we coincidentally see this live on news!" Chika-chan exclaimed hugging me in the process.

"Did this fight got something to do again with you YO-SHI-KO-SAN?!"

"Now come on, Dia-san. Yoshiko-chan's luck is not that bad! Right?" Chika-chan asked hopefully. Yoshiko went silent as she nodded slowly.

"What?! No way! So it was this bad!"

'And really life threatening.' I added silently in my mind.

"WHAT IS-" Kanan covered Dia's mouth to stop her from yelling.

"What is it this time, Yoshiko-chan?" Kanan asked softly.

"I- to be honest...I really don't know... But it feels like my uncle...he wants to kill me?"

"You....don't know? WHAT THE HECK IS WITH THAT?!" Dia exploded again.

"Come on, geez!!! Could you stopped yelling even for a moment!!" We all went silent from Yoshiko-chan's outburst.

"And can we dropped this topic already and just head to class?!" Yoshiko-chan continued as she stormed out of the room.

Everyone on the room keep quiet. I glanced at Riko-chan to see her worried face.

"Let's just go back to our respective class."


Class went well all day without further incident after that disastrous morning. Everything was fine, except for the deadly aura that kept radiating from Riko-chan.

"Hey, hey, Riko-chan?" Chika-chan nudged her as she stared off while we were talking. We are now currently heading to the clubroom.

"Hmm? What is it?" She acted normal and forced a smile.

"Your still worried about Yoshiko-chan?" Riko-chan's smile turned to a frown as she sighed heavily, nodding slowly at the question.

"Cheer up Riko-chan! Yoshiko-chan is strong so she could handle whateeeeever trouble she will be facing. I guarantee!" Chika exclaimed, patting her shoulder.

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