A Sudden Attack

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No one's POV

It was a fine Tuesday afternoon. The members of Aqours are currently doing some hellish training under the intense heat of the sun.

"Okay everyone, keep up the good work!" Dia exclaimed as she eyed every person on the roof.

"Yes ma'am!" Everyone yelled eagerly, ignoring their aching muscles.

"Just for now, you can have a quick break."

"Ah~ the evil sun is draining my fallen angel mana." Yoshiko posed dramatically before slumping to the ground.

"Fallen angels are evil too, zura." Hanamaru commented as she passed some water bottle to Yoshiko.

"Shut up, Zuramaru!" She immediately sat up as she took the water bottle.

She silently drank the water before she looked at Hanamaru's wondering gaze.

"By the way, is it just me or those two are acting really flirty just now, zura?"

She turned to the direction where Hanamaru's gaze lingered. She smile as she looked at the two second year.

"Ah, do you mean Chika and You? Well.... more like you can say that they became honest with each other."

"Honest?" Hanamaru asked innocently while Yoshiko avert her eyes to escape that questioning look.

"Hey Yoshiko-chan, what do you me-"

"Break time is over! Let's go back to training!" Dia exclaimed cutting off Hanamaru's question.

"Let's go Zuramaru." Yoshiko stood up, she mentally thanked Dia for that.


"I- I can't go on anymore, zura!" Hanamaru exclaimed as she tried to catch her breath.

"Me..hah... too" Ruby added, kneeling down to the ground.

"I'm also at my limit...." Riko stated as she agreed with the two.

"Then, we will be taking a break again." Dia stated.

"It's because 20 kilometers running are too extreme~" Mari commented ignoring Dia's deathly glare.

"Umm... I can still ran so I'm going ahead!" Chika exclaimed, pulling Yoshiko's hand before running again.

"He- Hey what do you think your doing?!" She tried to struggled, but a hand pulled her other hand.

"Your also not tired so come with us!" You exclaimed, catching up with Chika's speed.

"Even You?! Ahhhhh!!!!" She screamed as the two of them drag her away.

"Ummm... I thought Yoshiko-chan was the terrifying one?" Ruby asked confused.

"It turns out, there are three of them, zura." Hanamaru replied.

"I'm also going to run a bit." Kanan stood up followed by Mari.

"Oh yes~ Let's catch up with them! It will be a race!" Mari challenged.

"Buu buu, Your not going without me!" Dia added.

The three of them nodded to each other before dashing off.

"Never mind zura. Our group is full of terrifying people." Hanamaru shuddered.

"Yeah, your right." Riko and Ruby nodded.


"Hah...hah... Why do I have to go with you two?" Yoshiko asked irritated as she ran along with Chika and You.

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