Open Your Heart

131 11 9

Riko's POV

After eating lunch with Yocchan, I hurriedly walk back towards our classroom. When I arrive, I put my bento box on my table and proceeded to sit next to my best friends.

"Hey Riko-chan! How was your lunch date with Yoshiko-chan?" Chika-chan asked as soon as I arrive.

"I could asked you the same thing you know? And please don't call it a date, just a normal lunch." I replied and slumped down comfortably on the sit.

"Geez Riko-chan, you always get so cranky when it comes to Yoshiko-chan." I didn't answer back as I turned my attention towards the scenery outside the window.

"Ummm.. Riko-chan?" You-chan asked hesitantly and I turned around to face her. She was constantly quiet since I arrive. I raised my brow as an indication for her to keep going.

"Did you and Yoshiko-chan talk it out yesterday?" I shake my head at the question.

"No. She didn't even get out of her room yesterday night. And today whenever I decided to ask her she always finds a way to change the subject." I finished my statement with a sigh.

"That feels like a real pain Riko-chan." Chika-chan once again commented and I flatly ignored her. Sighing, I stood up from my sit and returned to my desk.

When I arrive, I cleaned my desk and organized my notebooks. I fished out all the things I needed for my next class when suddenly, I dropped some of my papers. Groaning, I picked all of them one by one. But one paper seemed to be a little different so I took it out to take a look.

"Hmm? That's a first years paperwork, Riko-chan." Chika-chan point out to the paper I'm holding.

"Yes. I think Yocchan left it on my bag by accident. I'm going to deliver this to her."

"Okay. Just hurry up. You don't want to be late for class!" I nodded and immediately walked out from the classroom.

I walked along the corridors heading towards the first year's classroom when I heard some voices near the girls bathroom.

"Wha? Zuramaru?" I smiled as soon as I recognized her voice. I walked quietly trying to surprised her.

"I-I-I love you Yoshiko-chan! Not just a friend but more than that!" I immediately stopped when I heard that statement. It felt like something broke within me and anger begins to feel my head.

"I-I know that you don't love me. I'm not even your mate. But I gotta say this. I felt a need to say this! I.....I-"

I took a peek behind the corner to see what was happening. But I immediately regretted it as soon as I saw my beloved Yocchan, was hugging another girl who isn't me.

"Thank you Zuramaru for telling me your true feelings." Having seen enough of this hurtful scene, I ran back towards our classroom without looking back.

I slammed the door open when I arrive causing my classmates to look at me. I walk towards my seat, not caring on how my classmates just keep staring at me. I sighed heavily as the numbness on my body kept spreading.

A minute later, the teacher arrived as soon as the bell rang. The classes went on but my mind keep returning to that hurtful moment.


Classes went on without any trouble as we currently just finished our lessons. I hurriedly put my things inside my bag and went out of the classroom.

"H-Hey Riko-chan! Wait for us!" Chika-chan yelled and I stopped momentarily to wait for them.

"You seemed so down ever since you went to give Yoshiko-chan's paper earlier Riko-chan. Did something happened between you two?"

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