Another encounter

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Riko's POV

I shift nervously in place as I walk in to my new school. My name is Sakurauchi Riko, a second year highschool student.

I live in Tokyo with my family until we had to move out because of my Dad's job transfer. Since my father's job required us to moved out, I change school in my second year.

I walk at the unfamiliar corridors of the school trying to locate the exact location of the director's office.

As I turn around the corner without looking, I accidentally bump into someone. "Watch were you go-" the person's sentence was cut off as she stared unto my face.

Seeing the chance, I decide to speak up. "I'm sorry." I bow down to show my sincerity. . "I-never mind about me, how about you?" She asked shyly.

'Oh, so this person is kind after all.' I thought to myself. " I-I'm okay." I answered back. "Then if your fine I'll be going ahead." She said hastily as she turned around to leave.

"Wait!" I hold her hand in panic. "I'm lost, can you help me?" I ask her pleadingly. "Ah... Okay." She nodded and led the way.


"Thank you for helping me out." I flashed her a smile and entered the office. In there I saw a person with blond hair. She smiled at me happily.

"Ciao~ Are you Sakurauchi Riko?" She said standing up. "Y-Yes" I answered nervously. "Welcome to Ura high. Here is your schedule in your classes so you will start attending next Monday." She informed me as I hastily nodded.

After the talk, I excused myself and decided to tour a little bit in this new town. I walk along the shore as I adore the beautiful beach and the cool sea breeze.

I decided to stay there a little longer until I receive a message from my mother telling me to buy some supplies. Checking the map of this place, I hurried to the bus stop to get to Numazu.

Arriving at the mall, I started to buy some things. When I was able to pay out, it is already dark outside.

Luckily our apartment is not far from this place so I started to walk home carrying the bags of groceries.

While walking I spotted a park nearby to take a little rest. I sat at the swing feeling the cold night air.

Suddenly, I heard some footsteps coming towards to me. I looked up to see three boys walking towards me.

"Hello beauty, are you lost?" one of the boys said winking at me. "No, I'm fine. I should probably go home now." I answered nervously.

"Why are you in a hurry? Want to have fun with us?" another one spoke as he held my arms to stop me from leaving.

"No! I r-really need to go h-home now." I said as my voice crack. "Nope, you have to have fun with us." the third boy said as he reached out grabbing my other hand.

'What am I going to do now?'. My blood went cold as I feel my mind went in to panic.

"Hey!" a familiar voice interrupted my panicking thoughts. I look up to see a familiar face.

Just then I remembered, 'I never asked her, her name'.  "Leave her alone!" She shouted once again.

"What if we don't?" one of the boys answered back. "Then I'll force you to leave." she answered back confidently.

"Pfft! Hahahaha! You'll take us on?" the boy holding one of my arm laughed.

"Why not? The three of you is just a piece of shit." she spat back smirking. "Then will take you on!" the third boy spoke as you can see anger in his face.

The third boy attacked first, covering his first with fire. She just stand there smirking and dodging the attack.

The first and second boy also join the fight also covering their fist with their respective elements. The first boy uses water magic while the second boy uses wind magic.

The three of them attacked her at the same time. I closed my eyes, too scared to look at them fighting. All I can hear is their grunting and cried of pain.

I wait for a few minutes until it went quiet. I took a peek to see what happened.

To my surprise, she was standing there unscathed while the three boys are lying on the ground, blood dripping from their noses.

As I looked at her, I can sense a powerful aura from her. Being a light magic user, I'm very sensitive to a dark magic user. And without a doubt, this person who save me is a dark user. While I stared at her in disbelief, she started to walk towards me.

I flinched as she suddenly reached out her hand towards me. "I will... umm help you out." she says acting so cutely. 'So she's still the shy girl I met earlier.' I giggled to myself.

I grabbed her hand as I introduced myself. "My name is Sakurauchi Riko. Thanks for saving me."

She smiled at me sweetly before she spoke up. "Tsushima Yohane... Uhhh.." She muttered which I barely heard.

"I mean it's Tsushima Yoshiko" She says as she starts to blush. 'Yocchan' that name came in to my mind as I look at her.

After a while of staring at each other, she hurriedly let go of my hand to reach my groceries.

"I'll accompany you home." She says as she started to walk. "Are you sure?" I ask hesitantly. "Hmm... Yes so that you'll arrive home safely." She answered immediately.

I giggled at her answer. "What's wrong?" She ask blushing. "Nothing, it just that your helping someone you just met." I answered smiling. She blushed even harder. "I... uhh... I think it's normal."

I look at her again and smiled. "No it's not. I think your the only one who would do that." I said tugging at her uniform. "So where do you live?" she dropped the question.

"Uhh..." I look at the map and showed it to her. "In this place." I pointed at the location. "Oh! We live in the same building." She exclaimed happily.

"Really? What floor are you in? I asked. "Floor five! Come to think of it we have a new neighbor moving in, could it be..." She wonder off as she look at me.

"Yep that's right were on the same floor!" I said excitedly. She smiled then look ahead. "It looks like we're here." I looked up to see the big building. 

We entered the building and climbed up the stairs. When we arrive at my door, I looked at Yoshiko's direction.

"Thank you Yocchan. Goodnight!" I smiled at her stunned expression then I entered the door.

I closed the door and leaned on it
Feeling the blush creeping unto my face, I could not believe I just dropped a nickname and said that to her.

My thoughts were interrupted as my mother show up to greet me.

"Welcome home. What take you so long?" She asked as I can see the concern in her face. "I'm home. I was lost so It took time for me to get home." I lied as I take my shoes off.

"Well I'm glad you find your way back. How was your day." She ask me smiling.  "Well you could say that it went well!" I answered remembering my faithful encounter with Yocchan.

That night, I slept peacefully dreaming about wonderful things that will happen in the near future.

To be continued....

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