Our Ressonance

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No one's POV

The whole crowd couldn't believe it as they watch the fight inside the pandemonium. Aqours dominated the two teams, defeating them in 10 minutes.

"Hmph, all they got were words and no skills. What a disgrace." Dia scowled as she looked at her fallen enemies.

"Yep, I agree." Kanan nodded, crossing her arms on her chest.

"I think they were strong. The two of you are just monsters, zura." Hanamaru commented from the side.

"Enough talking and let's go find that exit."

Everyone agreed as they continued to head down many floors. The more floor you go down, the more powerful the monsters were. When Aqours finally arrived at the bottom floor, they were shocked when they were greeted by a giant horde of S-class monsters.

"Oh? Finally, I have found a worthy opponent." Dia smiled widely as she saw those monsters.

"This is going to be fun!" You also joined in.

"It looks like we have no choice on the matter, zura."

Another fight began. Dia headed towards the biggest monsters and she tried to slice off its neck. When the monster neck and Dia sword came in contact, Dia was surprised to feel how hard the monsters neck was. Alarmed, she hurriedly dodge the monster's counter attack.

"It seems I have underestimated these monsters. How about, I get serious?"

Holding her breath, Dia channeled her energy unto the sword. As the monster run towards her, Dia continued to gather energy as much as she can. When the monster was close enough, she jumped as high as she could and cut the monster in half.

"Hah...hah... That took a large amount of my energy." Dia muttered to herself as she looked at the monster.

"Dia, are you alright?" Kanan hurriedly run up to her.

"I'm fine just tired. This monsters are tougher than we thought. We have to quickly find the exit."


Aqours regrouped immediately as they worked together, killing the monster in the way before going in various turns.

"Hey, is it just me or are we really going in circles? We already passed this hall three times." Dia commented as they looked around.

"This path is so confusing. I think this time we go right." Kanan stated as she lead the group.

Everyone agreed as they turned to a large hall. Because of desperation, they didn't notice the eerie atmosphere. They noticed it too late when they came face to face with an SSS-class monster.

"K-Kanan-san, what have you done?" Dia yelled in panic.

"I-I didn't mean it. I-I didn't know." Kanan defended. She anxiously looked at the monster in front of them.

"B-Before we argue, how about we find a way to escape." Riko reasoned.

When they were about to turn around, bars suddenly appeared blocking their only exit.

"W-What are we going to do now, zura?" Hanamaru is totally shaking violently at this point.

"We must fight." Dia answered. Although her voice was filled with confidence, her brain was screaming desperately for help.

Steeling their selves, Dia attack first with "Earth spikes", trapping the monster effiecently. Kanan followed up with "Ice swords", hitting it's body. The monster growled as it throw it's fist towards them. Hanamaru stop the attack by restraining it's arms by an "Air shackles". You then released a powerful "Surging Tsunami" taking down the monster to the ground. Riko finished it with a multiple "Holy Beam" hitting the monster on the head.

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