Meet the Muse

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No one's POV

The Sonoda garden was known for its beauty and it's serenity. The garden was spacious and the anemones here has a dazzling color. Most of all, you can always hear the birds joyful singing.

But at this moment, everything changed. The awakening of the blue demon destroyed the whole place. And all of the people involved well surely attained their rightful punishment.

"Umi, Eli , Nozomi~?"

A soft voice was heard and the once chaotic place change completely within mere second. All of the people present went quiet. From an outsider's view, everything seemed normal. But surely if you're there, the atmosphere was so intense that you could probably melt instantly.

"Can you please come here? I'd like to have a pleasant talk with you but that will have to wait since we still have a guests present in the room."

The members of the muse gulped visibly. Nozomi acted normal while Umi and Eli walked behind her meekly. Mari smiled knowingly and leaned to Yoshiko.

"Remember Yoshikocchi, the ones who seemed so gentle are the people you don't want to messed with. They can be so terrifying if they get angry~"

"W-Why are you saying this to me?"

"Well, you'll see what I mean if you won't be careful."

Yoshiko leaned away as she pushed the smirking Mari. Somehow, she knew the meaning behind Mari's words but as foolish as she could be, she pushed away that thought.

"Okay, is everyone settled down nicely~?"

Everyone nodded. Kotori smiled as her usual demeneur came back. The tensed atmosphere slowly dissipated and Umi gained her ability to talk again.

"Now to formally introduce ourselves, let's start from our side. From left to right, we have Ayase Eli, Tojou Nozomi, Yazawa Nico, Kousaka Honoka, Minami Kotori, I'm Sonoda Umi, this is Nishikino Maki, Hoshizora Rin and Koizumi Hanayo. Some of you already probably known us as the members of the former hero group called muse."

Dia, Ruby and Chika's eyes where sparkling as the other members listened quietly. Kanan nudge Dia gently to introduce the Aqours members.

"It's a privilege to meet you everyone. We are the members of a hero club namely Aqours. From left to right we have Kunikida Hanamaru, Kurosawa Ruby, Tsushima Yoshiko, Sakurauchi Riko, Takami Chika, Watanabe You, Matsuura Kanan, I'm Kurosawa Dia, and this is Ohara Mari."

With the introduction done, everyone seemed to be friendly. Dia mainly talked with Eli, Ruby bombarded Hanayo with so many questions while Chika and Honoka chatted happily.

You and Rin became good friends while talking about the sports they like. Nozomi and Mari was snickering and talking in a language that the two of them only knows. Umi and Kanan talk about their training experiences.

Kotori and Hanamaru talked about their hobbies. Then Maki and Nico were arguing but pause momentarily when Riko came over to talk with Maki. Yoshiko stayed quiet the whole time observing Nico. When she felt something is wrong, she approached her with caution.

"Umm... Yazawa Nico-san, was it?"

Nico nodded and the two red heads stopped talking as they noticed the tensed Atmosphere sorrounding the two.

"You... You don't smell like human."

When Yoshiko said that, all of them stopped their conversations and look at the two. The muse members had their eyes widen in shock when Yoshiko uttered those words.

"Oh my, as expected of Umi-chan's niece they really are similar even when it comes to this." Nozomi said happily.

"Do you think that's a good thing?' Eli asked and Nozomi answered with a shrug.

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