Leader's Will

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No one's POV

Now that the first match ended with Mari's group as the victor, It is now time for their second battle with Dia's team as their opponent.

"Okay, now that we are all patched up, let's start our second shiny match!" Mari exclaimed as she ran with the rest of her group in the battlefield.

Dia's group on the other hand was walking calmly. Kanan, who got her strength back, volunteered to be the mediator.

"Fighters ready? Begin!"

And just like the first match, Mari's team are quick to attack. This time all three of them attacked at once. Hanamaru's "Wind Slash" was countered by Riko's "Holy Beam". Chika's "Roaring Kick" was countered by Dia's "Explosive Rocks". And Mari's "Lighting Ray" was countered by Yoshiko's "Armageddon's Blast. The colliding attacks caused a lot of smoke and dust to sorround the area. Mari's team had their backs to each other to fend off any enemy attack. However, their was no attack but they felt a tremendous earthquake. The three of them flew up to be safer and wait until the smoke subside.

When the battlefield was visible again, Dia's team had their attacks prepared. Yoshiko grabbed Dia and throw her up in the air as she grabbed Chika down with her. Riko sprouted her wings as she readied herself to battle Hanamaru in the air. Yoshiko on the other hand jumped with incredible speed lounging at Mari.

Yoshiko hit Mari with a powerful "Giga Impact" that made her fall to the ground with a painful crash. On the other hand, Dia and Chika landed on the ground safely. Dia created a "Mud Serpent" which was easily avoided by Chika. Chika ran around the field before lounging a "Meteor kick" directly at Dia. However, Dia caught Chika's leg and bind them before stepping back to prepare another attack. Channeling her energy in her palm, Dia placed it on the ground and a golem suddenly formed. Chika was so shocked as she desperately tried to escape the bind. As the golem started to walk towards her, Chika increased her body shield. The golem raised it's fist and punched Chika. Chika imitated the action countering the golem's fist with a "Powered Punch". The punch broke the golem's whole arm and Chika took that chance to powered her leg and broke the chain off. After being free, Chika quickly finished off the golem with a "Meteor Smash" followed by a "Roaring Kick" to Dia.

On the other hand, Riko released another "Holy Beam" at Hanamaru who quickly countered with her "Wind Storm". Seeing that their equally matched, Riko maintained her distance and resorted to a more destructive moves. Raising her hand, she released a blinding light, forcing Hanamaru to close her eyes. When the light was gone, Hanamaru was greeted with "Judgement Arrow" who followed her around even when she dodge. Suddenly, Hanamaru stopped and made a "Sky Hurricane" who effectively reflected the arrows in different directions. Then, she countered Riko with multiple, "Air Slasher". Riko maintained in her position as she sent back Hanamaru's attack with "Light Devotion". Hanamaru continued her attack doubling the amount until Riko can't reflect them all.

Meanwhile, after Mari crashed to the ground, she dismissed the pain as she quickly stood up and released "Lightning Volts". Yoshiko swiftly dodge the attacks and countered it with her own "Phantom Bullets". Their contest was about marksmanship as they expertly shoot each other's attack. However, Mari used that as a diversion as she launched at Yoshiko in an incredible speed and attack her with a "Paralyzing Fist".

Chika, Mari, and Hanamaru's attack hit their opponent respectively. But something unexpected happened. As soon as their attacks landed, Dia's body turned to rock and cracked up. Riko's body light up then disappeared. And Yoshiko's body slowly turned black before fading. Alarmed, Mari's team quickly regroup as they had the same question running through their heads.

"Hello mortals. Are you perhaps looking for me, the great Yohane, with her powerful little demons?" Mari, Hanamaru and Chika turned their heads to the voice. Their eyes widen as they saw their opponents flying above them.

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