The Confirmation

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Yoshiko's POV

I flopped down on the hard floor. My body was full of sweat. A bow was in my other hand while an arrow was in the other.

"Come on Yoshiko, you have no time to rest."

My aunt nudge me as I groaned in annoyance. My arms ache and she still pushed me to continue. She's a real demon.

"But aunty! I have been training for 4 hours straight. First Judo then Kyuudo. My arms are already aching!"

I whined at her. She glared at me and I quickly sat up.

"Please don't kill me!"

I waved my hand in front of her. Her gaze soften but her tone remained strict.

"If you got a bullseye ten times in a row then your training will be over."

"I- I'll try my best..."

----------------30 minutes later---------------


I watched the arrow flew as it landed on the red mark. I looked at my aunt and she nodded at me.

"Good work, you may rest now."


I flopped down again at the hard floor. Closing my eyes, I tried to relax my body. But my eyes quickly opened when I felt something cold touch my cheeks.

"Good work Yoshiko-chan. Here, have some cool water."

I looked up to see Aunt Kotori smiling at me. She handed me a water and a towel.

"T-Thank you aunty."

*Knock* *knock*

We turned our attention to the door. My father looked at me worriedly before he spoke up.

"Yoshiko, your grandmother is calling for you."

I sighed heavily before standing up.

"Then I'm going to change my clothe-"

"No, it's urgent. You have to come now!"

I could hear some nervousness in my father's voice. I sighed again before walking out of the dojo. My aunt followed closely behind me.

Then we stopped in front of the living room. My father slid the door open. When my grandmother spotted me, she quickly stood up.

"Yoshiko I'm glad your here. Your uncle had done something dreadful again."

Hearing the news, I could feel my blood boiled in anger. Despite this, I tried to stay calm.

"Y-Yoru, he made a fake announcement about the hero festival preliminary round. He knows that your supposed to attend it so all of the contestants was teleported to the dark forest."

I felt my knees weakened but I tried to remained standing. My face went pale and suddenly it felt like it's hard to breathe.

"No, no! This can't be real! Lily and the others, their going to get killed!"

My black wings sprouted from my back. I quickly readied myself to exit the room when someone grabbed my hand.

"Calm down Yoshi-chan. I know what you feel. Leah-chan and Sarah-chan are there too. But you can't make it in time if you just flew over there.


I can't take it anymore as my tears started to stream down my face. My sister looked at me with symphathy.

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