The Revelation

138 8 6

Yoshiko's POV

"Your uncle?!" Everyone exclaimed and I grimace at the pain in my ear drums.

"Yes, my uncle."

"But..why?" Dia asked and I look down at my feet.

"I.... I don't know. I have assumptions, but I don't know if it is true." I sighed and I quickly stood up.

"Let's just go home and talk this over tomorrow." I suggested as I walk away.

'Knowing my luck, things will be a little messy from now on.'


Arriving at my apartment, I quickly tossed aside my bag and grabbed my phone. I dial some numbers and it ringed a few times before someone answered.

"Hello to you my lovely niece."

I grit my teeth as I tried to hold down my anger.

"What is the meaning of this uncle!"

"Oh? What possibly did you mean?"

"I'm talking about those pest you delivered this afternoon"

"Oh that? That was a present for you."

"PRESENT! THE HELL IS WITH THAT!" I couldn't contain my anger as I snapped at him.

"Your still bad-tempered as ever, I see. Well then, I don't have time for the likes of you. How about you figure it out for yourself?"

"WAIT YOU TRA-*toot* *toot* he hang off. Damn it!"

I throw my phone to the bed as I slumped down to the ground. After a while, this time my phone started ringing.


"Woah! Easy Yoshi-chan. What's wrong?"

I blinked a few times before realizing my sister was the one who called me and not that trash.

"Ah, sorry for shouting at you. What is it nee-san?"

"I was going to ask if your okay. Mountain Wolves just pounced at me earlier when I was going home."

"Tch! So that garbage was really doing this on purpose."

"Garbage? Did you mean uncle Yoru?"

"Yes obviously. I called him earlier and he said that it was a little present to us. I swear if I could see him, I'll smashed his little head into tiny pieces!"

"Woah! Calm down little sis. Let's talk about this again when I visit you this weekend"

"I-... Fine. Even if I would move now, I still can't do anything."

"Good choice! Goodnight."


After ending the call, I flopped face first on my bed. Thinking about it now will cause me a headache, so I decided to sleep for tonight.


"What's wrong Yocchan?"

I blinked a few times before realizing my face was so close to Lily.

"L-Lily... Your too close." I tried to hide my blushed as I pushed her away lightly.

"Your spacing out. Are you not feeling well?" Lily asked concerned.

'Ah... I'm being so obvious'

After I called my uncle and my talk with my sister, all random thoughts came running into my head. I can't seem to grasp any reason on why are they targeting me and my sister.

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