New Goal

158 11 7

Yoshiko's POV

Arriving at the Numazu station, we decided to get home early as possible to take a break after the incident. Now after the tiring weekend, I fell face first on my bed and immediately fell asleep.

The next day I woke up feeling fresh. Taking my time to get up, I looked at the watch beside my bed and I immediately jolt up. I heard my doorbell rang followed by a shout from Lily.

"Shoot! I'm going to be late!"

I took a quick bath and brushed my teeth. Once I opened the door, I was greeted by a lovely smile.

"Good morning Yocchan."

"G-Good morning Lily." I answers meekly. She just smiled at me and took my hand. Knowing that we were late, we hurriedly flew towards the school. After having a cool time in the air, we arrive at school.

"See you later Yocchan." She smiled again at me. Blushing, I nodded and smiled back. After she let go of my hand, without thinking, I flew to our classroom windows and hurriedly get in.

"Oh? Yoshiko-chan is here!" Ruby greeted me with a smile. Zuramaru looked at me smirking as she tried to hide that mischief in her eyes.

"Hoho, Yoshiko-chan. Based on your flushed cheeks, it's really obvious on how your been up to so early in the morning, zura."

"Wha-?! That's clearly not it Zuramaru!" I yelled loudly and all of my classmates attention turn towards me.

"Hmm? What are talking about Maru-chan?" Ruby asked innocently.

"It's nothing Ruby-chan." She smiled at Ruby before looking back at me with a smirk.

"You can try to hide it, but the evidence is there, zura."

"I told you! IT'S! NOT! IT!"

I exclaimed, only to turned redder from her statement. Luckily, the teacher arrived saving me before I die from embarrassment.


The day neared to an end as me and my friends jogged around at the beach heading to the Awashima shrine. We returned to our daily training while we still prepare for the upcoming hero festival.

Although the recent incident leave some bad memories, we are still determined to win the festival. Especially now that we are needed more than ever.

----------Earlier at the Clubroom---------

"Ahhhhh... I had a tiring day of sitting around listening to some mere human. And now we got some training to do? This fallen angel needs a break!" I whined as I changed my clothes.

"Oh? I thought fallen angels doesn't get tired, zura?" Here she goes again. Zuramaru is a little weird today. Well, she always likes to tease me but now, she seems to really enjoying my misery.

"Zuramaru, have you fully adopt to your little demon mode?"

"No? But I bet you have fully adopted your little angel, zura!"

I glared at her as she gave me her smug looked. Feeling tired from all her teasing, I sighed heavily slumping to the ground.


I jolted back to my feet when the door suddenly opened. We looked at Dia who just arrived, followed by Mari.

".... bad"

Dia muttered as they were finally able to catch their breaths.

"A little louder please!" I yelled

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