Her arrival

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Chika's POV

If I have one wish, I'll wish to become special. Without distinct unique ability, I'll always be a dim light seeking for those who shine brighter. But all of that change when I was able to find my  passion for heroes.

My name is Takami Chika, an ordinary girl. I don't have a unique ability, except for my superhuman strength and power.

I really envy those people who have some cool magic ability! But I know that I can reach them like any other, for that is what I believed in.

And because of my overwhelming passion to become a hero, I build our own hero club at school. Although it was a rough start, I'm glad I had a friend and underclassmen who is willing to be with me.


After our morning battle, we decided to get an early dismissal to prepare for school. And since Ruby-chan suddenly fainted, Yoshiko-chan carried her home.

"Hey You-chan, Do you think I can become strong just like you and the others?" I asked her hesitantly.

She stared at me for a while before answering, "Sure you'll become strong, after all, you wish to shine brighter than anyone else." She smiled at me warmly.

Seeing that smile, I can't help but to be happy. "Your right! Thank you You-chan for always staying with me."

"I'm glad to be with you! Now let's go before were late to school." She exclaimed rushing ahead.  "See you later!" She waved at me.

"See you later!" after one final wave, I hurriedly enter our house to get ready for school.

After I took a shower, get dressed and ate breakfast, I hurriedly ran to the bus stop. I arrived just in time, as I rushed to get on.

"Hey Chika-chan, over here." You-chan waved at me as I sat beside her. "By the way, where's Yoshiko-chan?" I asked noticing Yoshiko-chan's lack of presence.

"Oh! About that, she texted me a while ago saying that she will go to school with her neighbor." You-chan answered. "She's also the same year as us apparently." She added

I nodded my head in response as we walk out of the bus. While walking, I noticed a familiar brunette and a certain red head ahead of us.

"Good morning! How are you feeling?" I jumped at them making them flinched.

"Oh Chika-chan! Good morning. I'm fine, I woke up shortly before we arrived home." Ruby answered smiling.

"Glad to hear that!" You-chan butted in smiling widely.

"By the way, Yoshiko-chan is not with you zura?" Hanamaru asked as we enter the school building.

"Ah! She came here with her new neighbor so she arrived her earlier." I answered as I feel a tug on my sleeve.

"We'll be going then. See you later at lunch!" You-chan yelled as she dragged me to the classroom.

After we settled down, the teacher arrived. "So class, we have a transfer student from Tokyo. Be nice to her." She stated as she waved someone to come in.

The door opened, and I was stunned by the girl who walked in elegantly. She had a long burgundy hair and a beautiful amber colored eyes.

"Hello everyone, my name is Sakurauchi Riko. L-Let's get along well." She spoke as she smiled at us nervously.

After that was a blur, as I was distracted by a pleasant aura around this girl.


Lunch came fast, and I was really aching to talk with this girl. When I was about to reach her desk, a very familiar voice interrupted me.

"Lily!" I turned around and saw Yoshiko-chan smiling. She also waved at us. 'Who's Lily?' I asked myself as I returned my gaze to the new girl.

But to my surprise, the transferee student stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"Hey Yocchan, thanks for coming by." She suddenly stated as she smiled at Yoshiko-chan. Without noticing, I walk towards them.

"Hey Yoshiko-chan, so is she your new neighbor?" I asked casually. Yoshiko-chan nodded and stated, " She's my most elite little demon!"

I smiled at her as I introduced myself. "Nice to meet you my name is Takami Chika! You can call me Chika." After that I dragged You-chan from the corner.

"And this is my best friend, Watanabe You!" I added as You-chan did her infamous salute and a "Youroshko!"

"Oh, so your Yocchan's senpai in the Hero club. I'm finally glad to meet you. As you may now, my name is Sakurauchi Riko, but Riko is fine." She stated as she give us a warm smile.

"Yocchan?, Lily?" I asked as this names caught my attention. The two of them suddenly blushed by my implications.

"T-Those names is a proof of our c-contract!" Yoshiko-chan blurted out waving her hands. I grinned at her flustered face.

"B-By that way enough standing, I bet Zuramaru and Ruby is waiting for us." Yoshiko-chan change the subject as she held Riko-chan's arm and started to walk towards the cafeteria.

"Looks like their pretty closed don't you think?" You-chan stated. I looked at her as I tugged her sleeves and pulled her towards the cafeteria.

"Yes they are close, but not as close as us!" I replied, looking back, smiling at her as she moved her fingers to hold my hand.


After our get-to-know each other during lunch, the time flies fast as the last bell rings, indicating that the classes are now over.

I hurriedly packed up my belongings as I went to the door we're You-chan is waiting for me. Suddenly, someone tugged on my uniform.

"A-ah umm... Can I come to your practice." Riko-chan asked as she looked at us hopefully.

"Yeah sure! By the way, do you want to join our club?" I asked as she looked at me abruptly.

"I would like to try. I also wanted to know about you guys since you are Yocchan's dearest friend." She answered, a blush is visibled on her cheeks.

"You treasured Yoshiko-chan dearly huh?" I looked at her eyes as she stared back at me. "Yes, because even though she's a fragile girl, she reached out to me selflessly." She answered at me full of emotions.

"Hey guys, you finally arrived!" Ruby-chan exclaimed, and now I realized that we arrived at the beach. "Sorry we're late." I replied looking apologetic.

They only smiled at me as I noticed Yoshiko-chan and Riko-chan talking at the corner. After that, we head out to change clothes for our training.

"So what are we going to do after the warm-ups?" You-chan asked as she looked at me. I put my chin in my hand indicating I was thinking.

"How about we continue your match?" I suggested as she nodded at my statement. "Yes we could do that." She answered.

"Then how about I go against Riko-chan." She stated as Riko-chan suddenly flinched.

"Eh? You mean the mock battles? I'm not really good with that." She answered looking at us nervously.

"Lily is a light magic user, so she's pretty much a gentle person." Yoshiko-chan stated as Riko-chan blushed at the comment.

"Wow! You had the same power as Honoka-san from muse!" I exclaimed, remembering the group of hero who inspired me.

"Okay, calm down Chika. More importantly, I'll be your opponent again You! If you're okay with me." Yoshiko-chan stated as she did her fallen angel posed.

"Fine by me! But I won't lose this time!" You-chan exclaimed happily. Riko-chan could only looked at them worriedly.

While the last remaining first years was busy eating ice cream.

"Hehe, it looks like the club is getting livelier!" I smiled to myself looking at their smiling faces

To be continued...

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