Something a miss

134 9 5

No one's POV

Three girls stood closely. They tried to catched their breath as they panted heavily.

"Hah...hah... There's really no end to this.."

The first one spoke as her petite body shake in fear. Only the andrenaline in their body kept them standing.

"We can't give up yet Ruby-chan, we have to wait for Dia-san and the others zura."

The second one answered followed by an attack to defend herself.

"Hanamaru-chan is right.... We need to hold on."

The third one hobbled as she tried to release more attack. This action didn't go unnoticed by her two companion.

"Riko-chan, are you okay?"

"Yeah" Muttering her response, she tried to focused on the enemy trying to blinked away the blurriness in her eyes.

"You don't seem to be fine zura." Hanamaru looking at her with doubt, decided to put a windshield around them.

"I'm really fine Hanamaru-chan..." trailing off, Riko step outside the shield.

Immediatley, three wolves attack her. With the help of Ruby and Hanamaru killing the other two, she was able to kill the third one with her light blast.

After the three went down, a new bunch quickly came running into them.

Hanamaru being on her right mind pulled Riko back to the shield causing them to stumbled on the ground.

"Ow.... Riko-chan, are you alright zura?" Hanamaru asked as she waited but no response from Riko.

"I think she fainted Hanamaru-chan. She must have used a lot of energy defending and healing at the same time."

"Yeah it must be zura."

Their little talk ended as they heard a cracking sound.

"Pigiii.... Maru-chan! The shield is cracking."

"I can't enforce it with my energy anymore zura."

Panicked arose their whole body as Hanamaru clutched Riko's body tightly.

"I have no choice but to fight. Maru-chan, you take care of Riko-chan."

Ruby was about to step out when a hand stopped her.

"I'll be the one going zura."

"No Hanamaru-chan. I'm going."

"But you could get hurt...and Dia-san will probably kill me for it zura"

Muttering the last part, Hanamaru laid down Riko's body on the sand.

"Well I think it's best if we fight together." Ruby concluded as they looked at their enemies.

"Here we go!"

"Flaming Phoenix"

"Raging Tornado"

Their attacks went to different direction as it defeated mostly of the enemies in their side.

But as quickly as the wolves are defeated, they are also quick to multiply in number.

"Wind Cyclone"

"Fire fox"

Releasing another big attack, they suddenly felt numb and their bodies slumped to the ground.

" energy is used up zura" Hanamaru whispered to herself before looking at Ruby's direction.

"M-Maru-chan, I-I can't anymore..."

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