A Lovers Resolve

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Riko's POV

After seeing Yocchan disappeared, I felt like my whole world started to crumble and I fell in a pitch black pit.
I felt my strength slowly escape my body as I remained still on the ground.

While laying on the hard and cold ground, I started to remember myself being alone like before. I began to remember my life before I met her. Before I met Yocchan.

I was a plain girl. I had nothing special to stand out like the other people who sorround me. My only company was my piano. Playing piano help me relax and a world for myself opens up.

I was all alone but I'm fine as it is. I've grown accustomed being a loner and I will gladly do everything in order to not stand out.

When my mom told me I'm going to transfer school, I was okay about it. I'm also glad to live in a sea side town. But I didn't expect that in that town, my life will completely change than how it used to be. My fate already changed as soon as I saw those magenta eyes.

Although I never thought anything about it, but now I remember how I was immediately captured by those eyes. Those eyes that showed confidence and at the same time it reflected all of your insecurities. But because of the unexpected encounter, I failed to notice it by the first glance.

When fate decided to meet us again, surely something jumped within my chest. When you saved me it made me think 'why did she save me despite being complete stranger?'. But it turns out those little details doesn't matter to you. When someone needs help you immediately came to help and that shows how big your heart is.

The first time you gave me that nickname, I felt very special. For the first time I didn't care if I wasn't normal. I was willing to be your little demon in order to remain as your friend.

Also, your kindness knows no bounds. Even though people look at you with disdain because of your fallen-angel persona, you still didn't harbor any hatred towards them. Just like your name, you are a good girl. And despite how hard you claim to be a fallen angel, you will always be an angel in my eyes.

When I started thinking about this things, I immediately know that I had fallen in love. But as a coward, I tried to deny it. I buried it deep inside my hurt hoping it will disappear. But I realized that I didn't have to go that far. You loved me back as the fate destined us to be.

When we became lovers, you made me fall harder than before. You always ensure my safety and you always go overboard just to protect us. And because of that you bottled up your emotion and endure many hardships.

When I was with you, everything felt perfect. I always have fun together with our friends. We did everything together, that is why I felt so melancholic right now. I felt like my emotions slowly fades away to maintain my sanity. Seriously, what am I supposed to do now?

Suddenly, a white light came towards me. The light was very dim, reflecting my fading emotions.

"Are you just going to keep lying there?" I heard my own voice question me.

"Yocchan is gone. How am I supposed to keep standing? And who are you anyway?"

"I am you. Specifically, I'm your feelings." I can't help but scoffed at that statement.

"Hahaha... How ironic since I can't feel anything right now."

The voice took a moment before asking another question.

"Are you sure about that?"

I remained silence this time.

"You seemed to be uncertain. Then tell me, do you want to give up on these feelings?

I shrugged as I was unsure of my feelings.

"Then, do you want her to disappear?"

At that question, my heart begans to ache. Without realizing, I began to stand up and my mouth move on its own.

"NO! I-I don't want to! The time we spend together means everything to me! She was the one who take an interest to a plain girl like me! She-.... She's my everything...." I began to trail off at my words as I realized what I have to do.

"It seems like you have realized it. Go and save her. She's waiting for you."

At that moment, the dim light began to brighten and I was forced to closed my eyes. After I opened it again, I regained conscious with a new resolve.

"Your right, zura. Thank you, Mari-chan! I know I fail tonight, but I swear I'm going to save her this time!" I heard Hanamaru-chan's voice.

"Your wrong Hanamaru-chan....." I muttered softly as I regained my strength to stand back up again.

"....were going to save her!" At my statement, the others also nodded. They had the same resolve as I do.

But then, I noticed Ruby-chan who keep fidgeting on her place.

"Ruby-chan, is there something wrong?"


Ruby-chan flinched at my question before looking at me with uncertainty in her eyes. I smiled to reassure her.

"I-I also wanted to search for Yoshiko-chan, b-but....." We waited patiently for Ruby-chan to finish her sentence.

"...we also have the competition tomorrow." At that statement, some of us began to question our decision.
I wanted to save Yocchan as fast as possible, however the competition is our only hope to save our school.

"Y-Your right. We can't neglect the competition tomorrow. Dia-san, what kind of competition are going to be held tomorrow?" I ask to look for any possibility.

"If I remember correctly, it's still a three-man cell team. The difference is that the stage won't be plain anymore. There we'll be some dangerous terrains so we have to fight while staying on guard with our sorrounding." Dia-san explained.

"That seems hard.......WAIT! THAT'S IT!" Chika-chan yelled.

"What is it, Chika-chan?" You-chan questioned.

"Since the our team had already won a match and Dia-san's team is currently not complete, so Kanan-chan's team will represent our group in the match while the others will have to searched for Yoshiko-chan!"

"That's it! That's a good idea coming from you, Chika-chan!" Mari-chan exclaimed.

"Since it's already decided, let's search right away!" I sprouted my wings ready to fly before a hand stopped me from leaving. I looked to see Dia-san's emerald green eyes staring at me.

"But before that we have to rest." Dia-san stated.

"Eh? Why?! We have to start searching right now!" I insisted.

"We can't Rikocchi. You know that our body has limits but don't worry. I'll send some of my men to start searching while we rest for a little bit." Mari-chan tried to calm me down but I remained being stubborn.

"No I have to-!" I suddenly felt some electric shock on my body before my body collapse.

"I'm sorry, Rikocchi. Rest well." was the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness.

To be continued...

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