Yohane Descends

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Yoshiko's POV

After a long day of training, we are now currently at the hotel waiting for the other groups.

"Haaaaaah..... I'm sore all over." I leaned to the wall, massaging my shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry Riko-san, Yoshiko-san, maybe that training was really a little too much." Dia apologize as she slumped to the ground.

"Dia, it was not little. It was too much." I answered back.

"Hey guys, how was your training?" The three of us turned our heads to the newly arrived voice.

"Oh, It was really fun! So fun that I could hardly move a muscle." I answered sarcastically.

"Really? We have so much fun too, Yoshiko-chan!" I deadpanned at Ruby's happy exclamation while You laugh awkwardly beside her.

"Ruby-chan, I think Yoshiko-chan was being sarcastic."

"Eh? Why?" Ruby asked innocently.

"Haaah... You could ask your sister over there." I point at Dia who visibly flinched in return.

"Now it's getting late. Anybody of you have seen Mari's group?" We all shaked our heads at Kanan's question.

"They are sure la-" Kanan's statement was cut off when a lightning strikes the ground beside me.

"Shiny~! Hello everyone!" Mari greeted us with her usual grin.

"Oh my god Mari! You almost killed me!" I exclaimed in surprised.

"Oh don't be silly Yoshiko-chan. I know it takes a hundred of that for you to be dropped off dead." She happily tapped my shoulder before looking at the enraged Dia.

"Mari-san, why don't you show up like a normal person?" Dia asked sternly.

"Oh, I was in a hurry so I had to do that." Her grin widen before she started to stare  at us.

"By the way, you guys look awful! How about let's take a soak in the onsen?" She looked at us with some glint in her eyes and I immediately understood her intentions.

"Mari, Your not planning on doing something right?" I asked hesitantly, although I already know the answer.

"Hm? I'm only planning to stare at your majestic bo-" Mari was cut off by a head chop from Dia.

"Seriously! Your so shameless." She yelled turning red. For some reason, her red face reminds me of a certain ocean.

"I think everyone is forgetting something." We all looked at Kanan who suddenly had a stern face towards Mari.

"Mari....... You said that you were in a hurry earlier, right?"

"Oh yes!" Mari nodded her head eagerly.

"And for what purpose?"

"To soak in a shiny and relaxing bath and.......Ah!" Mari gasped in realization as she grabbed my hand and Kanan's.

Suddenly, we found ourselves engulfed in a lightning energy flying through the sky.

"Wha!? Mari, what the hell?!" I yelled in surprised.

"Hanamaru-chan and Chika-chan are currently in a bad shape and can't move so I came to get some help in carrying them." She gave us a wink before speeding up towards a mountain.

Somehow, we manage to land safely and the energy dissipated.

"You could have use that thing earlier to bring them back." I complained as I feel my muscles aching.

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