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No one's POV

After a long rest, Aqours briefly formulate a plan for their semi-final. The plan was a simple "kill the monsters, find the key and escape" by Chika. The others didn't bother to comment at her plan as they were too tired for an argument this early in the morning. They hurriedly eat their breakfast before heading towards the venue.

When everyone arrived, the rules was once again reminded before they let the teams enter the pandemonium. The inside of the pandemonium was so big and a little dizzying in the eyes.

"Woah! This is the future!" Hanamaru exclaimed in awe as she looked around.

"No it's not. It's a monsters castle, Hanamaru-chan." You stated.

"Okay everyone, attention." Everyone stopped goofing around as they huddled up in a big circle.

"This place has a monsters everywhere, so please be careful. First, let's focus on finding the key."

Everyone agreed before turning unto the left road. Weak monsters appeared and they were able to kill it easily. Everything went smoothly, until some arrows began to rained down. Luckily, Kanan made an ice shield before the arrows landed.

"W-What is this!?" Dia exclaimed in surprised.

"Is everyone okay?" Kanan looked for confirmation at her teammates.

"We're okay, thanks Kanan-chan." You answered.

"It appears that their also traps here." Riko stated nonchalantly, looking at the arrows.

"Wait a minute! I'm not informed about this!" Dia once again yelled.

"That is why it's called a trap, Dia." Kanan patted her friend's shoulder.

"Not only monsters so we have to be careful about the traps. Wow, what a hectic situation." Dia scowled before Hanamaru suddenly exclaimed.

"Wait! Isn't this a perfect scenario, zura?"

"What do you mean?" They looked at her for explanations.

"In books that I have read, important things are tend to be placed where most traps lie, zura." Hanamaru explained happily.

"Basically, your saying that we have to walk in a path full of traps." Dia inquired and it was answered by an eager nod.

"Then how are we going to find that path?" Asked You

"Dia-san's earth magic." Riko immediately answered. Nodding, Dia started to concentrate her magic power on the ground.

"This way!" She began to lead the group until they found a stairs leading them down.

"Now, that we're here, what now, zura?" Hanamaru asked as she looked at the path nervously.

"Don't think too much about it and just dodge. Follow me, Hanamaru-chan!" You dragged the poor girl down.

"W-Wait!" Hanamaru tried to break free from You's gripped, but it was all useless.

As soon as they stepped at the end of the stairs, many traps came flying towards them. However, You dodge it easily. Hanamaru, in desperate to survive, copied You's movements as she barely dodge each traps.

"Wow, I didn't think Hanamaru-chan could do that." Kanan commented in amusement.

"Although I think it's best and more easier if she used her magic to defend." Dia sighed at the scene.

"Their fine so I think it's okay. Come on, let's follow them."

The three of them run after them. After a while, they finally exited the path of traps. They decided to catch their breaths before continuing. Suddenly, You found something at the distance.

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