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No one's POV




Hearing her name being called, Yoshiko slowly opened her eyes. She smiled as she saw her wife's beautiful face.

"Good morning Lily~" Yoshiko got up as she hugged her pouting wife.

"Geez, you overslept again! You kept Yu-chan waiting for you!"

At that statement, Yoshiko eyes widen as she separated from the hug.

"Geh! I forgot about it! Yumeko will get angry at me!"

The bluette hurriedly enter the bathroom as she took a quick bath and got ready. Riko giggled at her wife's action before going to the next room. She smiled widely at the little baby who was peeking at her inside the crib.

"It looks like your also awake, Shi-chan"

The one year old kid raised her hands as Riko gently carried her on her arms. She gently pat the little ones red hair before placing a kiss on her cheeks. After that, Riko decided to check on her oldest daughter.

As soon as she stepped inside the dining room, a little girl with dark-blue hair and beautiful magenta eyes hugged her.

"Mama! Is Papa awaken yet?" The said girl jumped excitedly as Riko leaned down to pat her head.

"Papa is coming down soon. How about you helped me prepare the table?"

The girl nodded eagerly as she took the plates on the counter. On the other hand, Yoshiko put on her clothes as fast as possible as she hurriedly descended the stairs.

"Yumeko! I'm sorry I overslept!" Yoshiko yelled out as soon as she saw her daughter.

"Papa!" Her daughter greeted her with a smile. Seeing that precious smile was enough for Yoshiko to get ascended back to heaven. Smiling, she recalled the moment when Yumeko came to their life.

After Yoshiko awakened and had recovered, she returned to school with no problem thanks to Mari's help. During the duration of highschool, everything went peacefully as the whole incident was cleared up. In college, Yoshiko enrolled the nearest University to Riko's Music School. Their relationship improved rapidly until Riko's graduation, Yoshiko finally proposed to her. And then, they got married after Yoshiko graduated from University.

A year after, their little sunshine was born. Yumeko took up most of Riko's appearance except for her dark-blue hair. However, Yumeko has Yoshiko's wild and outgoing personality. Five years has passed since then but for Yoshiko, it seems like it's only yesterday when Yumeko was in her arms, crying as her wife gave birth to her.

"Hey Papa? Are you listening to me?"

Yoshiko was snapped out from her daydreaming as Yumeko squeeze her hand.

"Ah, I'm listening." Yoshiko quickly answered with a smile. She then turned to her youngest daughter and gave her a kiss.

"Good morning Shiraki."

The little red-head giggled at her father. Her magenta eyes shining as Yoshiko took her from Riko's arms and they settled down for breakfast.

After the fluffy time during breakfast, the family get readied for their main event today. Yumeko continuously jumped on her sit as she impatiently waited for them to arrive at the Ohara hotel. As soon as they arrive, Yoshiko carried Shiraki in her arms as Riko held Yumeko's hand. Their blonde senior was waiting for them at the lobby with a little blonde girl on her arms.

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