Painful Farewell

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No one's POV

After a long fall from the sky, the five Aqours members landed inside the Tsushima residence safely.

"Woah, I can't believe that ended well." Chika said in relief as she looked around.

"Is everything clear, Mari-chan?"

Mari looked at her and grin before running off further inside.

"W-Wait, Mari-san!" Dia whispered yell as they run after her.

Soon, they arrive at a large hallway with so many doors.

"Hmm.. where could she be?" Mari asked herself bringing her hand on her chin. She then turned to her teammates that are out of breath catching up to her.

"Mari-san! Stop running on your own next time!" Dia scolded after managing to breathe properly.

"Now, do you have a plan zura?" Hanamaru asked, pointing at the several doors present in the hallway.

"We can just open every single one of them!" Chika suggested.

"No, we can't! Some might be a trap so we have to move safely and quietly...." Riko looked at doors sternly as she tried to determine which door will lead her to her beloved. Suddenly, she felt a sudden rise of dark magic not far from their location.

"I-I felt it. I can feel Yocchan's dark energy....." Riko trailed off as she looked in horror at the open door.

"C-Chika-chan! Why did you open it!" She yelled in panic and the orange-haired girl began to sweat nervously.

"S-Sorry, I just had the sudden urge to open this door." Chika laughed awkwardly, trying to calm the panic red-head.

"Riko-chan calm down. There's nothing in this ro-"

"No! Your mistaken." Riko interrupted. Her voice was oddly shaking as she raised her hand pointing inside the room. "Look inside."

They looked at the room slowly and they caught a pair of glowing eyes looking at them intently. Then, something move inside and the glowing eyes suddenly multiplied in numbers.

"Ummm... what are we going to do, zura?" Hanamaru asked quietly. The five of them looked at each other before nodding at the same time.

"I think we all know what to do. Let's do it in count of three..." Dia took a deep breath before counting.

"1" They started to sweat nervously, clenching their fist.

"2" Suddenly, the area was packed with magical energy.

"3" The three of them step back before....
.... running in full speed.


Yoru sat impatiently at the floor as he tapped his fingers on the cold tile.

"Haaaaaah... Your mate is running late, Yoshiko. At this rate you'll bleed to death." He sighed again for the umpteenth time as he looked at the pool of blood beneath the tied girl.

Yoshiko remained quiet. Her throat was dry and her voice was hoarse because of screaming. Now, she had no energy left to spat back at her shitty uncle.

With no response from her niece, Yoru pushed himself to stood up before holding his dagger again.

"Just kidding. I don't care about that. How about let's continue our fun? I'm getting bored already."


Ignoring their protesting lungs, Riko and the others ran fast as they could from the flock of demons chasing behind them.

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