Shadow & Strength

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No one's POV

And now that Aqours is now complete once again, they are back for some real action. Without any hard feelings weighing them down, they enter the finals with more determination to win.

"And now, here we are folks to the Grand Finals of the Hero Festival."

Cheers erupted from the crowd as the two remaining team met up on stage.

"Here we are again for some live action between the ruler of the sea, Aqours against the ruler of the north, Saint Snow!"

The two teams looked at each other intensely before exchanging some casual "hi" and "hello".

Yoshiko glanced at the other two unfamiliar face at the opposing team. She looked at the blonde girl who greeted her with a smile and some punny lines. The other one has a light pink hair with a side bun just like her's. Then, she shifted her attention to her twin. Yuki smiled immediately as she came face to face with Yoshiko.

"Hello lil sis. I'm glad your alive and well."

Yoshiko laughed, "Almost being a dead meat still being well to you?"

"This time the competition will be decided randomly by lottery. Now, let's start rolling!"

The wheels continue to spin and the anticipation grew in the area. Everyone held their breaths until it stopped spinning.

"The competition will be..... A 2 vs 2! Please choose your fighters in each team!"

Aqours looked at each other before nodding.

"I think we all know who's going to go, right?"


"Now, may I call the others to leave the stage. Only the representatives will remain."

With a last encouraging words and pep talks, the four fighters were left behind on the stage.

"From Saint Snow we have, Kazuno Sarah and Tsushima Yuki!"

"From Aqours we have, Takami Chika and Tsushima Yoshiko!"

"This is going to be an epic battle between the teams leader and a battle between sisters!"

Yoshiko chuckled lightly, dark energy emitting from her body.

"Hey nee-san, you know that I'm still going to beat you up right?"

Fire engulfed Yuki's body as she returned the same tension to her little sis.

"As much as I love my adorable little sis, you know that I won't allow to let that happen again right?"

"It looks like they are eager to start the match! Let us not make them wait any longer. The match will begin in 3, 2, 1, START!"

Yoshiko and Yuki began the match with a full blown explosion. They began firing high massive attack at each other until the stage was covered by smoke and dust.

"Hey Yoshiko-chan?! We don't have a plan?!" Chika began to shout as she closed her eyes from the dust.

Hearing her voice, Yoshiko came to her aid. She grabbed her by the waist and carried her up in the air.

"Since when did you care for plans, Chika?"

Chika widen her eyes at her friends statement. Smiling she exclaimed loudly, "Your right, I don't!"

Just then, the sorrounding started to feel cold. The temperature suddenly dropped, freezing the whole stage.
Sarah throw them some ice spikes that barely graze Yoshiko's pale cheek.

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