Dark Forest

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Riko's POV

My head hurts, my chest ache, my breathing is unstable. This painful feeling envelope my mind as I leaned against a tree.

My companion fainted long ago. I don't have any strength left yet I'm still pushing myself to be conscious. I could also hear some of the monsters coming towards us.

"Ru- Ruby-chan... Please wake up.."

I weakly shaked her body. Even in this state, I can't afford to leave my comrade. So I made a rushed decision.

I ran towards the monster. When it noticed me, it didn't hesitate to attacked. It punched the ground causing a tremendous earthquake followed by rock spikes. I flew up in the air to dodge.

"Arrows Judgement!"

My barrage attack hit the monster directly. The monster momentarily stopped moving and I took it as a chance to continue my attacks.

"Holy beam"

This time the monster moved. Swiping it's claws towards me, I created a shield just in time. But the shield quickly cracked because of the monsters raw force.

The monster prepared another attack. I abandoned my shield and flew up again.

"Spherical Light"

I hit the monster's head then it's whole body turned to ashes. I stumbled to the ground catching my breath.

This survival round is really bad news. This forest is lurking with monsters everywhere and Ruby is unconscious. On top of that, my body is in a terrible shape because of what happened earlier.

-----------Several Hours Earlier------------

"Come on Ruby-chan, we have to move out."

I softly whispered to her and she nodded. Standing up, we walk in a slow paced observing the whole forest.

Suddenly Ruby-chan stopped walking. Her whole body was shaking as she lifted her hands.

"Ruby-chan? What's wrong?"



She attacked me and I was hit directly by the explosion.

"Ruby-chan?! What are you doing?!"

Ruby-chan didn't talk. Her eyes has a shallow color and she smiled darkly at me.

"Flame Phoenix"

She continued her attack. I dodge it by hiding in the trees. The trees quickly burned and I was surprised by this amount of magic power.

"R-Ruby-chan! Why are you attacking me!"

She still didn't answer. Lifting her hands, a swirling fire appeared.

"Fire Cannon"

Multiple explosive fire was released. Flying up in the air was my only choice to avoid the attack.

The explosion continued on the ground. I looked at the damage and saw the whole area was destroyed.

"Such an incredible magic power! Your friend was indeed the right choice to become my lowly toy."

I heard an evil voice behind me. I quickly turned around and saw something unexpected.

"Y-You?! Who are you!"

She smiled at me before laughing. I looked at her in horror.

"Foolish humans. You dare step on our territory and yet your the one to asked who am I? Fine, I'll tell you my name since I'm in a good mood."

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