34. Bloody Kitsune.. or... Uzumaki?

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To anyone watching or listening to the exchange they would have seen disappointment settle in on the spy's lips in a pout and hear it in their next sentences. "But why?" he whined, "it's not my fault she got herself fucking caught! How'd I become the damn demons watcher? It's not my fault Risu got captured!" he spat, scowling angrily. "I'd rather kill it." The ninja's frustration was easily noticeable. The conversation went on for less than another minute but by the time he hung up the three teens were nowhere to be found. The ninja cursed colourfully before focusing and following the chakra traces of the blue eyed blond.


I hope you guys got a chance to watch the Weverse & BigHit Entertainment New Years Eve Live for 2020 into 2021. Happy New Year. I wish all of you better health and fortune, whatever that may be, in the next 12 months.
Borahae 💜💜💜


Near the Namikaze-Uzumaki Main House
Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto's P.O.V.

Kiba accepted Sasuke's and my invitation to eat dinner at our place tonight. It's been a while since we've all sat down for a proper meal together, I mean, like I know we all had dinner together last week but Itachi didn't cook then, I did. Gotta admit that I'm not too bad a cook when I have the right ingredients - all the fresh baby whole beetroots and tigerella cherry tomatoes in the salad were totally awesome. Fresh veggies and fruit taste so much better.

"Hey, Naru?" Looking at me sideways, Sasuke began as if he was gonna ask me a really serious question. "Hn?" I replied, beginning to sound like an Uchiha myself from how much time we all spent together. "Did you know there's someone trying to follow us across the training field?" I knew my eyes held a wicked glint, "Did you know nobody can get in without me allowing it? Kurama sensed him a few hours ago and said to let the ninja in. 'Tachi and Kura wil-" I stopped in the middle of a step, pretty sure my eyes glazed over and I probably would have fallen if one of them hadn't caught me around the waist. I heard Kiba's voice, muffled, "You 'kay Naru?"

"YAH!!" I felt the hard ground on my ass as I fell to the ground. 'Shit, this is gonna be troublesome.' Rubbing my eyes I came back to focus, then I had to look up to see both of them looking down at me in concern. "Uh, what am I doing down here?" The Inuzuka was staring between his hands and me. "You.. I felt... They... Your... Uh --" He stuttered and Sasuke looked so utterly confused at what he was trying to say; I felt some not-so-gentle nudges from our kits and realized that Kiba must've felt my kits move. "Kiba what are you crapping on about?" Sasuke whined, he wanted to not be left out of whatever was going on, it was good that he was finally opening up - even if it was to complain about something!

I burst into laughter, the loud and cheerful sound travelling in through the open window nearby bringing Itachi, 'Kashi and Kurenai-sensei out to the verandah. "You, you, they--" the brunette stuttered again. "Spit it out Kiba, what happened?" Sasuke complained again. Kiba still couldn't seem to be able to get the right words out of his mouth so he grabbed the ravens hands, knelt down beside me and reaching their hands out, he tried to place them onto my pregnant belly but the raven quickly yanked his hands away. "What're you doing? You can't just touch him there!" He cried in surprise, assuming (wrongly) that the Inuzuka was aiming for my groin - wary of his crushes actions.

When I finally had my laughter under control (though a huge grin still spread over my face) I gasped through the tail-end of my giggles. "He wants you to feel them moving teme, they started a few days ago." I explained. The raven very dubiously allowed me to take hold of his and Kiba's hands which I placed on my bloated stomach under the looser than normal tee-shirt I had on and ... the kits stopped moving, as if they were teasing them. "Huh? I thought you said they were moving?"

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