Epilogue 1

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Author's pov :

The day was as usual ishu and Karthik were busy in there work It was eleven in the morning a man rushed into the hospital with a four year old boy unconscious in his hand and rushed to the reception and said breathing heavily
Man -" please check this boy....."
Then a ward boy came with a strecther and took the boy inside and the duty doctor were checking him.
The man stood outside and a nurse came to know patient details and the nurse asked
Nurse -" patient name "
Man -" Aadvay "
Nurse -" is patient relation to you "
Man -" I work as servant in his house "
Nurse -" what happened to the patient"
Man -" don't know madem I came late  for duty today in the morning after cooking I took breakfast for but he was in the bathroom unconscious and his head was wounded so I took him to the hospital "
Nurse -" his parents "
Man -" sir and mam are divorced baby stays with mam and don't know about sir, I tried to wake up her in the morning but she was drunk "
The nurse sighed and said
Nurse -" OK and it's a police case I will inform police "
Man -" OK madem "
The nurse moved from there and tried to inform police but they were not responding to there calls and then shs goes to the inform chief doctor and enters the cabin and then Cheif doctor said
Ishu -" yes come in "
( yes our ishu is Cheif doctor now🎉🎊)
Nurse -" mam there is a problem "
Ishu -" what happened "
And the nurse tells what all happened and about the police then ishu said
Ishu -" I will see into this "
Nurse -" OK doctor "
Then the nurse goes out, ishu tried to call police station again but the line was busy so she decided call her husband and when he received the call
Ishu -" hello mama "
Karthik -" hello Sollu ishu "
Ishu -" mama I need a favour "
Karthik -" what happened what do you want "
Ishu -" mama that....... "
Ishu tells him what happened and asks him look into this matter and then Karthik said
Karthik -" OK ishu I will send someone to the hospital, and I will check his house also just text me the details "
Ishu -" thanks mama "
Karthik -" it's OK da see you bye "
Ishu -" bye "
Ishu cutted the call and goes out of the cabin to the reception and asked the details about the boy give by the man and texted to karthik, then she goes to the ward where the boy was there and saw the man was still standing there waiting for the doctor then a Junior intern duty doctor came out, ishu asked
Ishu -" what happened to the patient "
Doctor -" mam the patient is physically abused "
Ishu -" what "
Ishu was shocked hearing that
Doctor -" yes mam he was beaten his body has old and new buries and marks "
Ishu -" other Then that???? "
Ishu asked the doctor doubtfully sensing that the doctor nodded head in no and said
Doctor -" no nothing happened other then beating "
Ishu left her breath which she held when she heard about physical abuse, then the man asked
Man -" is aadvay OK madem "
Doctor -" he is good "
Doctor said then two police officer came and said they were sent from DCP head office and enquired about what happened how the boy reached hospital and they enquired the man who took the boy to the hospital then the ishu asked one of the police officer
Ishu -" what happened to the patient parent when will they coming "
police said
Police -" that women is a drug addict she was dosed high still not in conscious we are collecting information about her "
Ishu -" OK "
Police -" and after the boy recovers he will be sent to care taker in child orphanage as his mother physically assaulted him, she may be in behind the bars for that "
Ishu -" when will they come "
Police -" tomorrow "
Ishu -" thank you officer "
Police -" it's our duty mam "
Then the police officer goes and ishu's pager blinked indicating that she had a surgery, ishu sighed and goes to OT.

It was seven in the evening ishu finished her surgery and moved to her cabin and packed her bags to go home, she was passing through the hospital corridor her eyes fell on the room where the boy is there.
Her legs automatically moved  towards him cabin and opened the door and saw the small boy is awake looking around when his eyes fell on her,  he was staring at her without blinking then he bend his head down playing with his fingers and ishu sat beside him and said
Ishu -" HI, I am Ishwarya what is your name handsome "
When she asked him he was holding the bedsheet in fist and whispered in a very low voice and he was scared
Boy -" aadvay "
Ishu -" beautiful name "
Ishu said that's when she noticed his hand held his hand releasing his fist caressed his hand in hers smiling at him
Ishu -" what do you study "
He said trying to free his hand from her and said stammering
Aadvay -" Lkg ...... B...... section "
Ishu -" how old are you "
Aadvay -" four "
He said showing his four little finger at her he was relaxed little when she left his hand and then he asked
Aadvay -" you are doctor "
Ishu -" yes, do you want chocolate "
Aadvay nodded his head in no while  Bending his head down again, ishu took a chocolate from her bag
Ishu -" so you don't want chocalate "
Ishu opened the chocolate wrapper making the wrapper sound and popped the chocolate in her mouth humming
Ishu -" it's so tasty "
When she said he looked at her with a cute pout she raised her eyebrows at him like what but he turned his head other side, ishu smiled at him took another candy from her bag and showed to him
Ishu -" here you can have this "
Aadvay -" really "
He said with a surprised tone
Ishu -" yes cutie pie "
She said unwrapping the chocolate and feeded him who smiled at her for first time showing his cute dimples
Ishu -" friends "
She asked him forwarded her hand to him and he held his small hand towards her and said shaking hands
Aadvay -" friends "
Then her phone rings she saw it displayed 'mama👮' she received the call and said
Ishu -" hello mama "
karthik -" ishu veliya irrake Seekarama Vaa "
( ishu waiting outside come fast )
Ishu -" vare mama two minutes "
( coming mama two minutes )
Karthik -" OK "
She cutted the call and turned to Aadvay and said
Ishu -" see you tomorrow cutie pie bye"
She wished him but he bend his head with sad face playing with his fingers and didn't told her anything she lifted his head and kissed his forehead and said
Ishu -" I will come and meet you tomorrow "
Aadvay -" promise "
Ishu -" god promise "
She smiled and stood up and said
Ishu -" bye Aadvay "
Aadvay -" bye doctor aunty "
She smiles at him goes out of the hospital and saw Karthik was waiting for her and seeing her he asked her
Karthik -" what took you so long my dear wifey "
She sat in her seat and said scrolling up the window to half and turned to him
Ishu -" nothing just chatting with my new boy friend "
Karthik -" what's his name "
Ishu -" Aadvay cute right "
Karthik -" then what about me???? "
When he asked her she said winking at him wearing her seat belt.
Ishu -" you are not cute, hot mama "
He chuckled at her statement shaking his head at her started driving to home, when they reached home sita Krishnan renu was there welcoming them they spent there Evening together and had there dinner then retired to there respective rooms.

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