part 27

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Author's pov :
Next morning all moved to there respective works and busy in there work and the time flies so fast it was evening all returned from the work and finished there dinner, back to there room.

The next day in the morning as the newly married couple has to visit ishu's home for maruvidu ( it's an ritual newly wedded couple visits girls home ) as ram and sudha has invited them last night.

Flashback :
All finished there dinner and was about to go to there room then Krishnan's phone started to ring he saw the display and said
Krishnan-" it's form ram "
When he said all sat back on the sofa and Krishnan recived the call and put it on speaker
Krishnan -"hello ram "
Ram-" hello Krishnan had dinner and where are others"
Krishnan-" yeah just now finished phone is on speaker all are here only  what happened you called us at this time "
Ram-" that's good all are here S it's important matter "
Krishnan -" Enna da "
( what da )
Ram-" I wanted to invite Karthik and ishu for maruvidu tomorrow da "
Krishnan turned to Karthik and ishu both looked each other and nod there head in yes.
Krishnan-" OK they will come tomorrow "
Ram-" OK "
Sita-" how are you Anna and sudha Rakshith "
Ram-" all are fine ma "
Sita-" OK Anna at what time you want them to come "
Ram-" at 10 "
Sita -" OK Anna "
Ram -" OK guys bye good night "
All -" bye good night "
He cutted the call then all moved to there room.
As it was same in Karthik's room both didn't talk just wished good night and slept.

Flashback ends.

Karthik got ready in formals and came down sat with sita, Kavya went to restaurant with Krishnan today. ishu is still getting ready and then she came down in blue  Saree with light make up and her hairs were floating on her shoulder.

Sita -" ishu you look beautiful in this Saree "
Ishu-" thank you attai "
Sudha turned to Karthik and said
Sita-" and you drive safely " and turned to ishu and said
Sita-" OK call me when you reach home " ishu nods her head
Ishu-" bye attai "
Karthik -" bye amma "
Sita-" bye bye "
Both Karthik and ishu sat on the car he started to drive there was complete silence in the car and they reached ishu's home in thirty minutes.

Karthik was parking the car Ishu moved to the main door and pressed the colling bell sudha opened the door
Sudha-" ishu "
Ishu hugged her with delight and sudha hugged her back here Karthik was standing behind her saw ishu she was smiling fully after long time seeing her smile a smile formed on his lips.
Ishu-" I missed you amma "
She broke the hug and turned to Karthik and said
Sudha-" Ulla Va Karthik "
( come inside Karthik )
All moved inside saw bhavya came from kitchen
Bhavya -" ishu how are you "
Ishu-" you are asking me as you saw after long years or months,  you saw three days back de " said teasing her
Bhavya glared at her and said
Bhavya-" hell with you girl I am not going to talk to you " and tuned her face and mutters " nalladhaka kaalame Illa " she said in edible voice that they can hear.
Ishu-"ok fine stop your drama I am fine " said and hugged her
Bhavya -" I missed you " said and back hugged her
Ishu-" but I didn't miss you " she said playfully Bhavya hitted her shoulder
And broke the hug
Ishu-" ouch that hurts " rubbing her shoulder
Bhavya -" and you deserve it "
Sudha -" ok stop your drama girls "
Bhavya turned to Karthik and said
Bhavya -" Anna how do you tolerate this idiot " Karthik chuckled at her and said
Karthik -" it's secret you know "
Bhavya-" but you should be awarded to tolerate her Anna " said eyeing ishu and ishu glared at her on return.
Karthik-" mama Rakshith Enga attai "
( where is mama and Rakshith )
Sudha -" they were waiting for you guys but they got important work they couldn't deny it "
Karthik -" it's OK attai "
Sudha -" you both sit I will bring some snacks for you "
All sat on the sofa sudha served them snacks and they were talking.

Ishu and Bhavya moved to her room and said on the bed
Bhavya -" OK now tell me "
Ishu-" what??? "
Bhavya -" about you and Karthik Anna "
She didn't said anything bhavya understood her silence and asked
Bhavya -" did you both talk or not "
Ishu-" no "
Bhavya took deep breath and asked her
Bhavya -" till how long you guys going to be like this "
Ishu-" don't know but soon we will"
Bhavya -" OK "
Bhavya didn't take the conversation forward because she know ishu needs time.

Then both were talking about random things new fashion and collections  other things.
It was already lunch time sudha came inside the room and said
Sudha -" girls it's already lunch time come down "
Both -" OK "
All moved down saw ram and Rakshith was talking to Karthik
Ishu -" appa Anna "
She to her dad and hugged him
Ram-" how are you "
Ishu -" good and you"
Ram-" I am fine da "
Rakshith -" I was getting all pampering alone and now I have share with you again " said teasing her
Ishu-"  I came right now all is mine now "
Rakshith -" yeah only for today " when he said she fron at him
Ram-" stop pulling her leg da "
Rakshith -" It was so fun appa "
Then both hugged each other and settled to have lunch many things were prepared all ishu's and Karthik's favorite item.
Karthik -" wow it's look like I have entered some hotel all the items are there same in the hotel menu "
Sudha-" yes come on taste it and tell me hw is the dish"
Karthik -" OK "
She served him and others also all had there food having family time and after finishing lunch all settled on the sofa.

Karthik -" lunch was really tasty attai" sudha smiles at him
Then it was evening girls were having there time and the boys were talking about politics and work.

After some time it was dinner time
all finished there dinner and both ishu got ready to return back
Karthik -" OK mama we shall leave now it's already late "
Bhavya -" yeah I will also leave "
Sudha-" no you are staying here I will tell anbu Anna tomorrow Rakshith will drop you "
Bhavya-" ok "
Ram-"  drive safely Karthik "
Rakshith -" call me when you reach home "
Ishu -" bye appa Anna amma "
All -" bye "
Ishu -" bye Bhavya "
Bhavya -" bye "
Both moved to there car he started to drive it was already 10:30 ishu slept in the car only then they reached home she was still sleeping .
Karthik -" ishu " he shakes her shoulder to wake up her
Ishu-" hmm " she opened her eyes and stared at him
Karthik -" we reached home "
Ishu-" OK " she got down and moved inside.
She changed in her night dress and informed Rakshith and slept on the bed.
Karthik came out after changing saw she was already slept so he also slept on the sofa tomorrow he has many work.


One week has passed after the murder incident but they couldn't find any clue about the murder and in this one week Karthik still didn't talk to Ishwarya about there marriage, and ishu also couldn't talk to him.

it was another day in the morning sita came down to make breakfast and she opened the main door to take milk bottle she saw a parcel in the steps she took it and saw " happy married life " a note was there and she brought it inside and kept it in the hall.
All came out for breakfast and when sudha saw Karthik she said
Sita-" Karthik you have a parcel "
Karthik looked at her and asked her
Karthik -" for me who can it be and where it is amma "
Sita -" in the hall "
Before he can go Kavya saw the parcel and showed him
Kavya -" here it is "
Karthik -" give me " he was about to take she hide it behind her back
Kavya-" no I will open "
Karthik -" Kavya I said give me "
Kavya-" no " she said stubbornly
Karthik -" OK fine open it "
Both sat on the sofa opposite to Krishnan.
Kavya-" looks like you someone sent you marriage gift "
Kavya opened the gift and was shocked and shouted 
Kavya -" appa " Krishnan was stareld hearing her shout and ishu sita came out hearing her voice.
Kavya moved to her father and hugged her.
Karthik saw there was a locket in the box covered with blood and he was shocked it was familiar for him he has seen it some where.

He was thinking about where he saw  the locket and his phone ringed that broke his thoughts and he received the call
Karthik -" hello "
He heard what the other person said and he was more shocked his phone slipped from his hand.
Krishnan -" what happened Karthik "
He turned to his father and said
Karthik -" I will be back appa and don't go to restaurant today, don't go out anyone "
He said and took his phone from the floor and moved out taking the box and here all were confused didn't know what happened and what was happening

Whose locket was that??????
Who called Karthik and why was he shocked after receiving the call ??????

Done with part 27
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Yours Sam 😊😊

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