part 6

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Ishu's pov:
After helping amma in the kitchen she said us to change so me and Kavya moved back to my room to change the dress. After changing into simple salwar and applied mascara and pink lip gloss.
After sometime we heard calling bell sound and appa's voice as he is greeting some one. Then there was knock on my door and Kavya turned to me and said
Kavya-" I will open the door" and she opens the then amma enters my room
Sudha-" my princess is lookking beautiful " said and kissed my forehead.
I-" thank you amma " and smiled
Sudha-" I will go both of you come
Down " said moved outside my room
Kavya-" shall we"
I nodded my head and we descended from the stairs and went to hall and stand beside amma AMD attai
Ram-" she is my daughter Ishwarya and this is Kavya Krishnan's daughter" dad introduced to two people one was my appa's age other was middle thirties.
I folded my hand and said vanakkam to all.
Durai-" hello dr I am durai and this my son murali " he said
Murali-" hai"
Ishu-" hello " then I saw Anna and Karthik mama was busy in staring at murali then appa said
Ram-" first we will finish the lunch and we will discuss the things "
Said and all moved towards dinning table.
Lunch was served by servant and we all started to eat
Durai-" chicken is awesome right murali "
Murali-" yes dad" he said as he is not interested.
Sudha-" thank you Anna ishu also helped me in preparing lunch"
Durai -" ishu do u know cooking dr"
Ishu-" I am learning uncle "
Rakshith -" so what do you murali"
Murali-" I run a company "
Rakshith-" ok" and nods his head.
All finished there food and sat in the hall
Durai-" so rama let murali and Ishwarya talk together to know about each other "
Appa thinks for a second and nods his head in yes.
Ram -" ishu take murali to lawn ma"
Ishu-" OK Appa" I said
I moved towards lawn and he followed me outside.

Author's pov :
Ishu moved to lawn and sat on the chair opposite to each other.
Both were silent and nervous to start the conversation ishu was staring at her hand playing with end of her duppatta murali was in deep thoughts and then he took deep breath and said
Murali-" you know the reason why we are here right "
Ishu-" yes"
Murali-" so what do u do"
Ishu-" I am doing medicine final year in two months I will be graduated "
Murali -" OK, and I run a company it's my dad's soon I will be the CEO of the company do u want to ask me any questions "
ishu-" no"
Murali-" so shall we move in "
Said and stood up from his chair
And both moved to the hall.
As the elders saw them coming inside ishu stand beside her mother and murali sat beside his father.
Durai-" so what have you decided kids"
Ram looks at ishu but she didn't say anything
Ram-" we will talk and tell you durai"
durai-" OK so it's time to leave "
Krishnan -" yeah we will let you know about our decision "
Durai and murali leaves from there.
In Ishwarya's home ishu moved towards her room and sat on the sofa closed her eye resting her head to the headboard.
Sudha Sita and Kavya comes inside the room
Sudha-" so what have you decided ishu"
Ishu-" I just need some time to think amma"
Sudha-" OK ma"
Both sudha and sita moved downwards
Krishnan-" what did ishu say "
Sita-" she said that she needs some time to think "
Krishnan -" OK let her take time"
Sita-"S "
Krishnan-" so it's time to leave ram "
Ram-" why so urgent wait finish the dinner and go"
Krishnan-" no ram I and sita have work in restaurant da OK some other time"
Ram-" OK da"
Karthik-" OK mama I will aslo leave I have work in station "
Sita-" go and call Kavya we will leave"
Karthik moves to ishu's room and knocked the door then ishu opened the door
Ishu-" Karthik mama Ulla vanga "
( Karthik mama come inside)
Karthik-" Illa ma Kavya Va vara solla naga kelambharo "
( no ma call Kavya we are leaving)
Ishu-"edhaka ivvalo sikkiro poringa mama"
( why are you leaving so early mama)
Karthik-" Illa ishu stationla vela irraka"
( nothing ishu I have work in station)
Ishu-" OK,  Kavya Karthik mama is calling you"
Kavya came with her phone
Karthik -" pollama Kavya "
( shall we go Kavya )
Kavya nods her head and turned to ishu
Ishu-"bye Kavya call me when you reach home "
Kavya -" OK bye de"
Karthik -" bye ishu "
Ishu-" bye mama"
Both moved down they bid bye to ram sudha and Rakshith and goes from there, Karthik dropped his parents and his sister in home and goes to his apartment.

Karthik's pov:
I dropped my parents and sister in my home and came to my apartment moved to bathroom to freshen up and changed into blue shirt and black jeans and started to station In My jeep while driving I was thinking about murali he was very quiet and uneasy like maybe he is hiding something,  or I am thinking too much I shook my head.
I reached station moved inside the cell

The shop keeper was sitting inside the cell

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The shop keeper was sitting inside the cell. I sat on the chair and took my gun and placed on the table asked him
Karthik -" so let's come to the point who is the broker and where does he stays" he stares the gun and me
Karthik-" who is he" roared at him
*Shop keeper :sk*
Sk-"he stays in ga...gandhipuram and his name is mari" he stammered
Karthik-" ok"
Sk-" please let me go I don't do this again "
Karthik -" not until the broker gets caught "
I moved out of the cell and called rudra aksed him to come to my cabin
Rudra-" Enna da aachi"
(what happened)
Karthik -" the broker name is Mari and he is in gandhipuram "
Rudra -" OK by tomorrow morning he will be here"
Karthik -" OK "
Rudra-" what is the matter of family dinner?????? "
Karthik -" there was an alliance for ishu da they came to see her "
Rudra-" what" said shockingly
Karthik - " why are you getting shocked man"
Rudra-"Dai I thought you are marrying her"
Karthik-" what have you gone mad"
Rudra-" ishu unnoda Mora ponna da"
( she is your aunts daughter da)
Karthik -" what????? It's nothing like that and you finish your work fast I want that broker in my custody " I was shocked what is he saying so I rushed him out of my cabin
Rudra-" OK " and he moves out.
I finished my work and moved towards my flat changed  into  tracks and T-shirt decided to cook rice and rasam for dinner. I know only few dishes and I am not a pro in cooking sometimes I miss Amma's food.
After finishing the dinner I laid on the bed Closing my eyes thinking about the things happened today and slept.

Ishu's pov:
When we asked to talk alone I was nervous and it was awkward I didn't say anything playing with my duppatta with my fingers and glanced him he was in his deep thought and then he started to talk and asked me about what do I do and do I have any questions to ask him, I was confused what to ask him so I said no then we moved to the hall and then they leaves as appa told them that we will let you know our decision.
Then attai mama Kavya and Karthik mama also went to there home,  I later laid on the bed thinking about the proposal.
After it was near dinner time no one was in hall I moved towards amma appa's room I was about to knock the door but I stopped when I heard appa voice
Ram-" what will be ishu's decision "
Sudha-" I hope she takes correct decision and this is the right time for marriage and make her own family "
Ram-"S if ishu agrees to the marriage she will be married and lead new life with her husband and with her new family I will be the happiest man"
Sudha-" S to see our kids settled in there life "
Ram-" and she will be near us only not far "
I then moved to my room without disturbing them and thinking about it.
Then Amma called me for dinner moved down sat on the table
Ram-" so ishu did you like murali "
Ishu-" S appa"
Sudha-" I am so happy ishu" and she hugs me
Ram-" OK we will inform to durai tomorrow"
Rakshith -" my baby sister is getting married I am going to miss you ishu"
Anna said and side hugs me
I smiled at him and we finished our dinner and moved to our room after saying good night I laid on my bed and thinking did I take correct decision and am I ready for this marriage was the question running in my head then don't know when I slept thinking "

Done with part 6
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Yours Sam 😊😊

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