part 23

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Author's pov :
Murali has gone and no one noticed it and the other side ram and Rakshith came to groom's room to give gold chain for murali before muhurtham
The room was empty they didn't find him
Ram-" Rakshith check in the washroom "
He knocked the door twice then he opened the door it was empty
Rakshith -" murali is not there appa "
Ram-" OK come on let's go and see outside may be he will be there " he turned towards door.
Rakshith was about to go he saw a paper on the mirror table he took the paper and read he was shocked
Ram turned to him
Ram-" Rakshith why are you standing there come with me "
But he did not respond
Ram-" Rakshith " he again called and Rakshith turned to him
Rakshith -" appa read this letter "
Ram-" what letter da I will read afterwards come we have to give chain to murali before muhurtham "
Rakshith -" appa first you read this letter "
Ram came towards him
Ram-" what is there in the letter that can't wait " he took the letter from his hand he started to read the letter.
Anger and hurt was clearly visible in his eyes letter slipped from his hand he sat on the bed without saying anything.
Rakshith -" appa what shall we do now "
He was worried a about his sister now how he is going to tell her that groom has ran away from the marriage before muhurtham.
Ram stood up with the letter and moves outside and saw durai was talking to some people and goes to him and asked
Ram-" why did you do that Durai"
Durai was confused he didn't get what he saying
Durai-" what are you telling ram"
Murali-" why did you force murali to the marriage "
Durai was sure now murali has done something he tried to handle the situation
Durai-" it's not what you think ram I will talk to murali "
Rakshith -" first he should be here then only you can talk " he taunted him
This comment made durai confused
Durai-" what do you mean "
Rakshith -" murali ran away from marriage " ram gave the letter to durai which murali wrote. Then Karthik, Krishnan, sudha, sita, rudra all came outside hearing the voice.
Durai was shocked and said
Durai-" no he can't do this to me he can't let my plan failed "
All were shocked what plan is he talking about
Ram-" what plan???? "
Durai didn't answer him
Rakshith -" what plan are you talking about uncle "
Then there was voice " I will tell you " all turned to see who is the that
Then a man came and said
Man-" I will tell you what was his plan"
Rakshith-" I am kannan Murali's friend "
Durai was shocked to see him there
Durai-" kannan" he whispered
Kannan-" yes uncle it's me "
Karthik -" what were you telling before "
Kannan-" durai uncle was forcing murali to marry Ishwarya because he wanted to take revenge from ram uncle because he was jealous of ram uncle's success and fame and he wanted take ram uncle's property and money by marrying murali and Ishwarya,  murali tried to stop uncle many times but he didn't then he tried to kidnap Shruthi to black mail murali for the marriage.  Shruthi is the girl who murali love from college days and yesterday he got to know shruthi was conceived so left the marriage , uncle you didn't left any other choice for him "
When he said all this who all are present in the hall were shocked
Ram moved to Durai and held his collar and said
Ram-" how could you do this durai " asked him angryly he didn't answered at the same time Ishwarya came out of her room and shocked that her dad was holding Durai's collar she moved to them and asked
Ishu-" what is going on here " she asked them and turned to ram and asked " what happened appa " there was silence they didn't answer anything , Rakshith moved to ishu and said
Rakshith -" it's nothing ishu you go inside " he tried to send her in
Ishu -" no I am not going inside and you are hiding something tell me what happened " she asked him stubbornly
Rakshith looked at his dad he nods his head to tell her everything Rakshith took a deep breath and said
Rakshith -" ishu murali ran away from marriage "
She was Literally shocked what he said
Ishu -" what did you say "
Rakshith -" yes ishu murali ran away "
She didn't react anything and her this reaction shocked Rakshith
Rakshith -" ishu say something " he held her by shoulder
But she didn't say anything she turned to her appa amma and saw them and turned to Rakshith and asked
Ishu-" why did he do that "
Rakshith couldn't answer her questions so gave her the letter and she started to read the letter then the letter slipped from her hand and long tear escaped from her eyes she rubbed it immediately and trying to control her tears.
She had tears not because she love murali because she know how the society will talk about that marriage has stopped and it will hurt her family.
Ram-" get out Durai " durai didn't say anything and moved out of the hall.

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