part 43

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Gotham's pov :

I didn't go for work today, how I am going to face all of them in the hospital. First I should have know Ishwarya well then I should have proposed her now all the things are messed up. And the biggest shock for me is Ishwarya is married it's like storm directly landed on me. I started to like her when I saw her for first time, I thought many things like marrying her and my future plans with her but now all are going to be just a dream like other.

Then my room door opened there comes my room mate Vicky.
Vicky -" what the hell is you problem man why are you drinking so much from yesterday and last night you were knocked out now you again started "
He shouted at me with worried tone because this idiot Is my best friend from school days he is my buddy.
Gotham -" just fuck off man don't irritate me "
I said sipping my beer 🍻 yes he is telling the truth after leaving from hospital I was in club drinking my ass off and knocked out in the bar then I don't remember anything, in the morning I woke up in my room with heavy hangover and headache it feels like some is playing drums in my head but when I remember what all happened yesterday I started to drink again, I know problem is not going to solve by drinking but it will help me to ease and forget it.
I snapped out my thoughts hearing his voice
Vicky -" Enna macha aachi ye da ippadi kudikara "
( what happened buddy why are you drinking so much)
He asked me bringing me out of my thoughts.
Gotham -" Ishwarya is married da "
I said him in low voice
Vicky -" Ennadha kalyana aayidacha aavalaka "
( what she is married )
He freaked out when I said him because he knows I love Ishwarya so much and I was going to propose her.
Vicky -" tell me what happened did you proposed her "
Then I told him what happened in the hospital
Gotham -" this is what happened da "
I said in low voice sipping my beer.
Vicky -" macha your luck da her husband didn't put you in jail for proposing his wife "
He joked to lighten the mood but I was in no mood to laugh at his lame jokes and glared at him in return if a glare can kill a person he will be dead by this time, sometimes he annoys me so much.
Vicky -" OK chill stop glaring at me, so what have you decided to do now "
He asked me seriously
Gotham -" I don't know "
I told him I really don't know what to do now my mind was really blank.
I can hear his sighed heavily then
Vicky -" first stop drinking and freshen up then we will decide and for your information you smell like pig "
He said pulling beer bottle from my hand.
Gotham -" just leave me alone Vicky "
I tried to take bottle again but he moved away.
I was in mood to do other things rather than sitting in my room emptying my beer bottle. I was a social drinker but I now drunk like a some regular drunkard.
Vicky -" you better move your ass from the bed or I will drag you out"
He said pulling my hand and pushed me into bathroom not bothering about my protesting and locked door from outside.
Gotham -" damn you Vicky open the fucking door man "
I banged the door and shouted at him from inside.
Vicky -" first you freshen up or stay in the bathroom only I am not going to open till you freshen up "
He threatened me to lock in the bathroom is he nuts.
Gotham -" hey let me take my clothes first "
Vicky -" naa your trick I not going to work bro "
He said chuckling at my statement bastard muttered under breath and said.
Gotham -" fine "
This idiot locked me in the bathroom and blackmailing but whatever may happen he will always be there for me as my support maybe it's a good or bad situation. I opened the shower and stood under it and let the hot water flow over my body. After warm bath i came out the door was not locked now then I changed into T-shirt, tracks and moved out of the room.
I came to the hall I heard he is talking to someone who is it at this time then I saw one lady was there when Vicky saw me and said
Vicky -" Gotham she is here to meet you "
When he said I turned to her and saw she stood up and moved towards me forwarded her hand saying
Lady -" hi "
Gotham -" hi, sorry but I don't remember you "
I have not seen her If I had I don't remember.
Lady -" because you didn't meet me before "
When she said I was confused then why is she here to meet me and I asked her
Gotham -" why do you want to meet me "
Lady -" I want to talk to about something it's important in alone"
She said eyeing at Vicky was standing in big question mark on his face not knowing what's going on and even I don't know.
Gotham -" who are you what do you want to talk to me "

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