part 22

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Durai's pov:
I have been waiting for this day finally tomorrow marriage is going to happen and after that I will show ram who I am.
Ram was always in top and in buying medical equipment they rejected my proposal and all agreed him. then I decided to destroy ram. I initiated marriage proposal for my son and his daughter.
Then they accepted the marriage proposal it was like jackpot for me if I get married both of them then the half of ram's property bank balance will be in my side.
All things were going good but the problem arises it's non other then my son.  He loves some girl and he wants to marry her not Ishwarya and that idiot doesn't understand.
Murali-" appa I don't want to marry Ishwarya "
Durai-" why "
Murali-" because I love someone appa"
Durai -" so what you are marrying Ishwarya and that's final "
Murali-" dad don't do this to me If I marry her also I can't keep her happy"
Durai-" I don't care I just want ram's property and bank balance "
Murali-" how can you be so selfish dad you only care about money "
Durai-" yes "
Murali-" if this marriage happens no one will be happy dad "
Durai-" enough of your drama you are marrying Ishwarya "
I said and to him angryly
Murali-" dad please "
Durai-" I want you to be ready in 10 minutes reception will start at seven "
I said him and moved out of the room and waiting for him in the hall.

He came down keeping sulking face
Durai-" stop making that faces and I want you to behave in front of all I made myself clear "
I warned him but I know he will try to stop this marriage so I have to be careful.
Durai -" you move to the car I will come in a minute "
He goes outside I took my phone and called one of my man
Durai-" hello "
Man-" hello sir "
Durai-" I want you to kidnap a girl "
Man-" who sir "
Durai-" the girl who murali loves "
Man-" OK sir work will be done "
Durai-" and keep her in any safe place till the marriage completes"
Man-" OK sir "
Durai -" and message me when work is done "
I cutted the call I will go to any extend to complete this marriage.
Then I moved out and saw he was standing beside the car.
Durai-" get in the car "
He didn't said anything sat in the car the driver was driving the car.
When we reached marriage hall they welcomed us and we went inside.
Durai-" don't create any scene go silently on the stage "
Then the reception started all guests arrived,  only few hours left for the marriage then my plan will be successful .
I got call from my man
Durai-" what happened did you finish the job"
Man-" sir I searched her all the places she is not there sir "
Durai-" try to find her "
Then I cutted the call.
These people are enjoying without knowing what has future held for them,  enjoy and be happy as much you want after the marriage your bad time starts a smrik formed on my face.

Murali's pov:
I have tried convincing appa to stop this marriage but he doesn't listen to me.  From starting I have trying to stop this marriage it's not because I don't like Ishwarya but I love someone I want to marry her and spend my rest of the life with her she is Kavitha the love of my life, We were classmates from college I liked her very much in the first only. And she also loves me as I love her.

I tried lots of time but all failed Ishwarya I a nice girl I don't want her life to be destroyed because my appa he wants me to marry her only for ram uncle's property and money.

When I told Kavitha about the marriage
Murali-" Kavi appa has fixed my marry "
Kavi-" what are trying to say murali "
Murali -" dad want me to marry her because of money that her dad have I don't want to marry her I want to marry you "
Kavi -" tell your dad that you love someone "
Murali-" I tried convincing him but he is not ready to hear my point of view "
Kavi -" what shall we do murali "
Murali-" I want to marry you before my dad does something "
Kavi-" you mean to elope and marry "
Murali-" yes "
Kavi-" no it's not right murali you are his only son and he lost his wife at young age you are the only person there for him try to concence him murali "
I chuckled at her explanation she is thinking about him but was he????

After few days Kavi was becoming weak and losing her weight so I forced her to check up in the hospital when the report will be ready they will call us and the doctor is my school mate so she will inform me.

Today was reception before going to marriage hall I treid to persuade my dad but he is still adamant that I should marry her only. Whatever happens I am not going to marry Ishwarya if I marry her we won't be happy and three lifes will be destroyed and the happiness of the family.
He told me to move outside but I had a doubt on him so decided to hear his conversation that shocked me he is trying to kidnap Kavitha.
Then I called my best friend kannan and told him about the situation asked him to take care of kavitha.
Then I called kavitha
Kavi-" hello murali"
Murali-" hello kavi where are you "
Kavi -" I am in home what happend murali "
Murali-" my dad is trying to kidnap you because I should marry Ishwarya"
Kavi-" what are you saying murali"
Murali-" yes please be safe don't open the door to anyone till kannan comes he will take you to safe place"
Kavi-" but murali you "
Murali-" don't worry kavi what ever happenes I will be back to you "
Kavi-" come fast murali"
Then I cutted the call and appa comes outside and When we reached marriage hall sudha aunty welcomed me with Aarti and I was forced to Stand on the stage and Ishwarya also came to stage and the reception has started I was tired of giving fake smile and greeting the guests.

Then Rakshith and his cousin Karthik they literally threaded me to keep Ishwarya happy but they didn't know that this marriage is not going to happen I just smiled at them.

Then the reception came to an end I was sent to room.
I got call from sindhu (doctor)
Murali-" hello "
Sindhu-" is that murali "
Murali-" it's me what happened you called at this time "
Sindhu-" yes it's important the girl who came with you to check up I want to talk about her "
Murali-" what happened to her Is anything problem "
Sindhu-" don't worry da nothing she is six week pregnant murali "
I was shocked I can't believe I may heard wrong
Murali-" what " I asked her again
Sindhu -" yes she is six week pregnant"
Murali-" are you sure sindhu "
Sindhu -" man I am 100 percent sure that she is pregnant da"
Murali-" thank you sindhu I will catch you later bye"
Sindhu -" bye "
I cutted the call I had tears in my eyes I am going to be father my Kavi mother and our baby .
I can't do this marriage I thinking to stop this marriage but nothing came to my mind they called me to nalangu I changed the dress and moved out, the only way to stop this marriage is to I should go away from here.

I know I am being selfish but I don't have any other choice after nalangu I moved to the room and
I called kavitha
Murali-" hello kavi"
Kavi-" hello murali"
Murali-" are you fine "
Kavi -" I am not fine please come back to me murali I need you " she was crying I can't take this anymore
Murali-" in two hours I will there infront of you "
Kavi -" come fast murali "
Murali-" I will till then take care of yourself kavi"
I cutted the call and changed into previous dress.
And wrote a letter

' I know I am doing wrong dad but you didn't gave me any choice I tried telling you that I can't marry Ishwarya but you didn't listen to me so I am going dad.
I know you tried to kidnap kavitha but she safe I am going to start my new life with her and she is going to be mother of my child so I can't betray her sorry appa.
I am sorry Ishwarya I tried many times telling this to you and stop this marriage but I couldn't If we marry both of us life will be spoiled neither of us won't be happy I am sorry once again Ishwarya to you and your family members

Murali '

I placed it on the mirror table and sneaked out the marriage and went to my kavitha.
As I saw her I hugged her
Murali-" can we go away from all this mess and start our new life "
Kavi-" yes"
Murali-" and I want to tell you something " I bend down to her belly placed my hand and said
Murali-" hi kiddo it's your dad come soon mamma papa is waiting for you" I saw her she had tears in her eyes
Kavi-" murali is that true "
Murali-" yes we are pregnant "
I hugged her tightly.
Then We boarded next flight to Dubai where one of my friend is there to start our new life.

End of murali and kavitha character.
Done with part 22

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Yours Sam 😊

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