part 41

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Ishu's pov :

After clearing our misunderstanding we are back to our normal routine.
Now we are sitting in mama's house as attai called us to come home in the evening. Mama picked me from hospital today. Even amma, Appa and Anna are also came here.
After finishing dinner we were sitting in the hall all elders sat in one and we younger clan sat in one side.
Me, mama, Kavya and Anna were sitting in the sofa.
Karthik -" will you guys stop creating suspense and tell us what's going on "
He was frustrated now since we came here he was asking why did they call us here and what do they want to tell but they didn't told us anything .
Sita -" OK don't get angry now "
Attai told him he huffed in irritation me and Kavya giggled at his reaction
Sudha -" we decided Kavya and Rakshith engagement in this month "
When amma said that whole hall was silence and then appa continued
Ram -" yes we want these two guys to get official engaged "
And I was the first one react and I said
Ishu -" wow that's awesome "
Karthik -" yeah "
We turned to the love birds Both Kavya and Anna was staring at each other, both were lost in there dream land.
I cleared my throat to interrupt the dream.
Ishu -" Hai guys we are still here "
Said to them teasingly and I waved my hand at them.
Kavya was blushing now, amma came torwards her Anna got up from his place to give space and amma sat beside kavya.
Sudha -" come fast to our home Kavya as my daughter not as daughter in law"
When amma said that Kavya hugged her, amma always desired to have another daughter in her future daughter in law.
Ram -" now ishu also came here I want to take you as my daughter "
He was right I was very close to appa after marriage I miss our late night talks and ice-cream, teaming up with him against amma in teasing her, I miss those movements.
Krishnan -" yeah daughter's are the happiness of the home and dearest to there father "
Then I hugged Kavya and Anna and wished them
Ishu -" I am so happy for you guys and congrats "
Then Krishnan mama said
Krishnan -" and we decided engagement date it's on 20th this month "
It means we have still a week in our hand for preparations.
Karthik -" and we have still one week for engagement "
Ishu -" wow I am so excited where is the engagement "
Sita -" we will keep engagement in home only with close family and friends "
Karthik -" OK "
Then all elders were talking about arrangements what are to be done in the hall. And Me Kavya went to her room and called bhavya to inform her about this good news.
Bhvaya -" hello Kavya "
Ishu -" hey it's me ishu "
Bhavya -" what r u doing there???? "
Ishu -" I want to tell you something "
I said in more excited
Bhavya -" what is it?????  You are so excited "
Ishu -" this idiot "
Kavya slapped my hand for calling her idiot I have her 'don't care ' look and resumed my talk
Ishu -" I mean Kavya is going to be my sister in law officially "
Bhavya -" what "
She squealed in happiness
Ishu -" yes "
Bhavya -" when did this happen "
Ishu -" today only and there is another news that is this 20th is engagement "
Bhavya -" wow where is she "
Ishu -" she is here only wait "
I gave her phone putting it on speaker and signalled her to talk
Kavya -" Hai "
Bhavya -" I am so happy for you and congrats Kavya "
Kavya -" thank you "
Bhavya -" naa your thank you is not done I want treat "
Ishu -" yeah me too this time you are not going to escape "
Kavya -" OK fine I will give you treat "
She raised her hand in surrender.
Bhavya -" and that too you should prepare karuvata kulambu ( dry fish curry )  for us "
Yeah she cooks dry fish really good it is finger licking tasty but this lazy ass hates cooking.
Kavya -" OK I will "
Bhavya -" where is Anna "
Ishu -" he is with mama you know boys talk "
Then there was knock on the door
Kavya -" come in "
Anna and mama came inside and settled on the sofa.
Bhavya -" hey who is there ????"
Ishu -" bhavya Anna is here talk to him "
I gave phone to Anna.
Rakshith -" Hai Bhavya how r u "
Bhavya -" I am fine Anna and you "
Rakshith -" I am good da"
Bhavya -" and congrats Anna "
Rakshith -" thank you "
Then we heard uncle calling her in background the phone was still in speaker.
Bhavya -" OK Anna appa Is calling me I will catch you later "
Rakshith -" OK ma bye "
Me and Kavya -" bye Bhavya "
Bhavya -" bye guys "
Then the call was cutted. Later we talked for some time teasing and pulling legs of Anna and Kavya. There faces were worth seeing and kavya was blushing like hell.
Karthik -" of fine stop teasing my sister "
He wrapped his hand around her shoulder.
Ishu -" awww........ This is cheating you can't change team now, did you saw there faces that was fun "
He just chuckled at my statement
Rakshith -" OK evil sis of mine stop this "
He pulled my cheeks auch it hurts.
Ishu -" I am not, evil brother "
I said him rubbing my chubby cheeks.
Rakshith -" OK fine "
Iahu -" did you know how much she teased me in my engagement "
Then I realised what I said All were staring at me.
Ishu -" I will be back "
I excused myself and came out of the room and moved to terrace.
Why did that happen to me I tried to be good for everyone but in last I was the one who get hurts, being good also I our fault when we are fooled. If he had told me before only I would have stopped the marriage but he decided against that and my family's reputation and my life was on stake because of that and he wrote a letter as he was sorry for what happened and left.
I moved on in my life with mama and he is best thing happened in my life and but Whenever I Remember that incident I fear to trust someone, what if I trust him and they will leave me alone breaking my trust again. This is the reason I don't share my personal things to others except my closed ones and Still today also I fear to open up with strangers.
I was deep in my thoughts when two hands wrapped around my waist I know who is it. And he placed his head on my shoulder.
Karthik -" what happened ishu "
Ishu -" nothing "
Karthik -" I know you are trying to forget that incident, but remembering that don't hurt yourself you know if you are not happy I am also not because my happiness lies in you "
When he said that I feel more relived and it was more sincere.
I turned around and hugged him buried my face in his chest He hugged me back and kissed on my head.
Ishu -" thanks mama "
Karthik -" no need to thank me ma I will always be there for you "
I feel so overwhelming when he said as he assured me that he be there for me always And then he continued
Karthik -" shall we move it's already late "
Ishu -" OK "
I broke the hug and we moved down
Karthik -" OK we will leave now "
Sita -" OK da "
Krishnan -" drive safely "
We bid bye to all of them and moved to the car and he was driving.
I was resting my head on the window and my eyes got heavy and I slept I was tired of work then travelling.

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