part 40

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Ishu's pov :

It's been two days since I received the call and I have been avoiding him from that day. I would go to hospital early in the morning . And In the evening I didn't make any conversation with him if he asks something I would just answer him in one or two word, and rather I act like reading patients file or stay in my  room only doing nothing but saying I am tired of work.

Now  I am sitting in my cabin it's already six in the evening thinking how to avoid him today.

My thoughts was broken by a knock on my cabin door then the door opened revealing bhavya was standing in the door.
Ishu -" Ulla Va de "
( come in )
She came inside and sat on the chair that was in front of the table
Bhavya -" innu kelambhala duty time mudinjidachi "
( still you didn't leave already duty time is over )
Ishu -" I was just packing my bag "
Bhavya -" what happened to you I have been watching you from past two days you look dull and upset "
She asked me with concern from her tone i can say she is worried about me.
Ishu -" nothing de "
Bhavya -" shut up OK I know you very well so stop lieing at my face "
This is the best thing of her is she would always been there for me when ever I was more confused or worried  about something couldn't take any decision she always guides me what is right and wrong. 
Bhavya -" Sollu de Enna acchi?????"
( tell me what happened????? )
I took deep breath and told her
Ishu -" when we went to shopping while returning I saw mama in coffee shop "
Bhavya -" so what??? "
She said in casual tone.
Ishu -" he was hugging a girl in the coffee shop and few girls was there they were commenting on them"
Bhavya -" hey it may be friendly gesture de and the people don't care about them there only work is to talk something or other."
Ishu -" and two days back when I went to his room saw his phone was ringing and I recieved the call some girl was talking and called him baby "
Bhavya -" who is that??? "
Ishu -" I asked but the call was ended "
Bhavya -" did you talk to him about this???? "
Ishu -" no "
Bhavya -" so this is the reason coming early to the hospital and leaving late in the evening "
I didn't told her anything just staring at her face, she took a deep breath and said
Bhavya -" don't avoid this matter ishu talk to him or it will effect your relationship and don't let any space for misunderstanding it will make your relationship weak "
Ishu -" I know you are telling correct but what if it happens to be true, will he leave me like murali ran away from the marriage before muhurtham what will I say to amma appa, and what will be there reaction, am I not worth of love that all are leaving me."
I was continously telling her about my insecurities that I have been holding from these days which were in my mind.
Bhavya -" ishu stop it what are you saying de "
She hugged me I didn't knew when she came beside me, I hugged her back and closed my eyes tears started rolling down that I have been held from long time.
Ishu -" I don't want to face the truth so I have been avoiding him from that day "
I was sobbing more now
Bhavya -" why do you think negative what you misunderstood the situation"
Ishu -" yeah may be "
Bhavya -" first talk to him ishu "
Ishu -" I will "
And then her next statement shocked me to the core
Bhavya -" what will you do if it's true and mama loves some one "
I broke the hug and saw her shocked
Ishu -" I will let him go and I just want him to be happy if his happiness lies in her "
Bhvaya -" you love him right "
I saw her face and smiled at her and said
Ishu -" I don't know about my feelings but I happy if he is happy and I just want his happiness "
Bhavya -" then about you????? "
Ishu -" still I have not decided anything what to do?????"
Bhavya -" OK let's not get into any conclusion before you talk to him and clear the misunderstanding as soon as possible "
Ishu -" thank you de"
Bhavya -" why is that???? "
Ishu -" I am feeling more relieved then before, that I couldn't say anything to anyone and to share my thoughts "
Bhavya -" what are friends for and OK let's go home it's already late "
Ishu -" yeah "
We both moved out of the room and
Go to parking
Bhavya -" let your scooty be here only I will drop you now and you can pick up tomorrow "
Ishu -" it's OK Bhavya I will go by myself "
Bhvaya -" but........."
I cutted her in middle and said
Ishu -" I am not a kid I can go alone "
Bhavya -" OK you should call me once you reach and drive safely don't worry everything will be alright "
Here comes another possessive member in my life.
Ishu -" OK bye "
Bhavya -" bye "
I started my scooty and moved towards flat. And I reached home it was seven and saw his jeep was in the parking so he has reached home already.
I opened the door using my key and I moved inside saw he was not there In the hall I think he is in his room.
I go to my room and freshen up and changed into T-shirt, tracks and moved to kitchen to prepare dinner.
I opened fridge saw only carrot and beans was there all the grocery was over. Made a mental note to buy groceries tomorrow while coming from hospital. Then I chopped all the vegetables and prepared vegetable Pulav.

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