part 65

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Karthik's pov :

my sleep was broken by the sun rays peeping through the wooden window and then I saw my sweet little wifey is sleeping beside me cuddling to me with her hands around my waist and our legs were tangled with each other, till I remember she was sleeping on me when did she got down, OK never mind.
I saw her face is buried in my neck as I can feel her hot breath fanning on  my neck giving me morning boner after long make out session of yesterday's, I tucked her hair behind her ear which was falling on her face and I saw her neck was all red and purple due to our hot makeout and that is my bites I rubbed my thumb over the mark pecked it lightly with out waking her up. I turned to the wall clock in our and saw it was ten thirty I turned to ishu and saw she was moving in sleep indicating that she will wake up in any movement, she opened her eyes blinking it few times clearing her vision and she gave me her best smile I returned it with kiss on her forehead and said
Karthik -" good morning ishu "
Ishu -" morning mama "
She said in her sleepy voice I cupped her cheek with my one hand and asked her
Karthik -" so you slept well "
Ishu -" naa I am still sleepy "
She said while snuggling into me and tightening her grip around me, I chuckled at her and said
Karthik -" don't you want to go outside "
Ishu -" no "
She shooked her head and mumbled
Karthik -" OK let's freshen up and have something it's already late "
Ishu -" no "
Karthik -" hey, then what do want to do "
I asked her as she was showing her more tantrums today and she Said
Ishu -" I want to sleep "
Karthik -" OK "
I pecked her head and tried to get up but she held tightly indicating not to move
Karthik -" ishu leave me I want to freshen up "
Ishu -" naa, stay like this I want to sleep "
She said and moved her head to my chest from my biceps,
Karthik -" you sleep let me freshen up"
Ishu -" no, sleep with me "
I smiled at her childish yet cute demand and I wrapped my hand around her pulled her more into me and drift into sleep again.

Ishu's pov :

It was already twelve when I woke up I saw mama was sleeping due to my request, I was not feeling to get up before I didn't want him to leave me it feels so good to have beside him, so I asked him to sleep beside me I slowly removed his hand from my waist which was held me to his bare chest. I got up and then I remembered I was still naked under the duet not only me both of us, I sat up resting my head to the headboard and duet to my chest to cover my naked blossoms I blushed remembering our movement yesterday it was one of the best night in my life, He was full of energy and loved me with full passion as he never gets enough of me and I loved it. My thoughts were broken when a hand wrapped around my waist I know it's my mama and I heard him
Karthik -" so madem decided to wake up "
I smiled and caressed his hair and said
Ishu -" yes and I was feeling sleepy "
Karthik -" what were you doing in night that you slept till late in the morning "
He snuggled and laid his head on my lap and asked me, I am sure he had a smrik on his face and I said
Ishu -" you are asking as if you don't know "
Karthik -" no I don't remember you tell me na "
He said facing me while turning in my lap I pulled his cheek and said
Ishu -" mama you should consult doctor "
Karthik -" why should I meet doctor when I have a personal doctor "
He said winking at me
Ishu -" I am Gynecolagist, and you need a neurologist as you don't member anything I think you have amnesia or something like that, I can recommend you specialist for you "
I said teasing him but he sat up  griping his elbow on the bed pulled my blanket which was covering my chest and said
Karthik -" I have a better idea "
Ishu -" and what is that "
I held it back where it was and I asked him
Karthik -" how about we repeat the process which we did yesterday and it will help me to remember "
When he said i was staring at him wide open mouth I didn't know he was so naughty he used his forefinger to close my mouth and pecked my lips
Ishu -" you are impossible mama "
Karthik -" every thing is possible ishu"
I didn't replied anything to his comment and i said
Ishu -" I feel hungry mama "
Karthik -" come on let's freshen up then I will order the lunch in the room only "
Ishu -" OK I will freshen up fast "
I said while moving from the bed but he held my forearm and said
Karthik -" may I join with you as we can save time in bathing and you are hungry you know "
He said I didn't answer him and got up from the bed with duet around my frame and he was waiting for my answer and here I quickly pulled the rest of the duet which he was having or should I say covering his body and I ran inside the washroom locking it behind me and said
Ishu -" no thanks Mr husband, and be a good boy order some food for me as I am hungry "
I heard chuckle loudly and said
Karthik -" this is not fair ishu "
Ishu -" everything is fare in love and war mama, but here it is love
Mr husband "
I said to him and removed the duet around me and stood in the shower letting the warm water falling on my body to calm my muscles and lessen the soreness from my body, I shampooed my hair with blue berry shampoo and it smells good and conditioner it, after having a good bath I stood in front of The mirror and saw my neck was covered with love bites 😅 which was lightly seen on my skin, I wore a bathrobe and towel in my hair and moved out as I didn't got my dress as I was hurry in teasing him before, I saw mama was wearing only shorts which he had discarded yesterday before we make out.  The lunch was already there and he moved to washroom with towel and I waited for him using my mobile replying the message which I had and he came after ten minutes with only towel around his waist with nothing under it as I can see his little friend standing through the towel, he followed my gaze and smriked at me and goes to cupboard took his clothes and goes back again into the closet.

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